Rare dankness/rd genetics

Dam the pressure has got to me. I don't have no room but I'll figure something out. I'm popping my 12/24 rare darkness beans in search of that grape ape side tonight.
That's what I'm talking about. You should find all kinds of fire in there. With 24 beans you should deff find some nice phenos. The pheno i got is like a perfect fit to their description
you should try this..
i built something very similar to this.. dont want to show mine for security reasons.
pure oxygenated rain water. plants love it... i look forward to the rainy daez....
i couldnt stand the 3 to 1 waste with RO's

EDIT: tip- when it hasnt rained in awhile. let it run freely away from barrels for about 20-45mins depending on down pour or until water clears. then its ALL GOOD.
The car wash by my house sells those barrels $5 each, they used to contain soap I'll be building one next summer for sure. Is been coming down today, i could have a bunch of free water. I like how they are connected like that i haven't seen a multi barrel set up yet. If anyone plans on making one i would check with your local carwash and see if you can get the barrels there too they are Luke $50 new
Okay here's my rare darkness beans. My method of germination is i put my seeds in tap water for 24 hours and then the paper towel method. Once they form a good tap root I place them in rapid rooters. Then into my homemade stinkbud cloner with r/o water spraying the roots until they form secondary leaves then I'll feed them 25% strength nutes.


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I believe it is actually against the law to collect rainwater where I live...
I've heard of that.

Seems like something I'd do and then say " thought this was 'merica!!!!" Some of the silliest laws ever made in that country. Ignorant folks actually believe you are taking water away from the water tables by collecting rain water off your own roof.

The water company wants their cut.

Collect it and when someone shows up and tells you you're not allowed hook up a water pump and soak the fuckers! :)

land of the free until someone feels like invading your life and telling you what you can do on your own property.
I've heard of that.

Seems like something I'd do and then say " thought this was 'merica!!!!" Some of the silliest laws ever made in that country. Ignorant folks actually believe you are taking water away from the water tables by collecting rain water off your own roof.

The water company wants their cut.

Collect it and when someone shows up and tells you you're not allowed hook up a water pump and soak the fuckers! :)

land of the free until someone feels like invading your life and telling you what you can do on your own property.

Oh trust me, I have already been there. Couldn't even put a damn spa on a platform in our backyard without someone calling the authorities. So instead we had to move it to the most inconvenient location for us. But oh well... such is life, do it and DON'T get caught and you are all fine.
Oh trust me, I have already been there. Couldn't even put a damn spa on a platform in our backyard without someone calling the authorities. So instead we had to move it to the most inconvenient location for us. But oh well... such is life, do it and DON'T get caught and you are all fine.
Words to live by :)
i've heard of that too...
there is a drought in CA.... maybe they need that extra run off...
but there should be enough rain for everybody...
do it... after its done, you'll be saying, " I should of done this along time ago "
your really on easy street for water. you'll be surprised how quick it fills up..
if it down pours for 30min all those barrels in the pics will be filled up... too easy..
and ... it last me at least couple months...
i do have my barrels in a shade tho.. i've read somewhere about sunlight/uv not good.
and to access, i use milk jugs and a funnel with a paint filter screen to catch any debris.. very little...
on top of the down spout. i have a gutter strainer, so it those most of the work...

if its been a drought. i fill it up with tap water and let chlorine evaporate for 3-4 daez. never had any problems with that.

all this cost about two bills or about the same price for a RO..

EDIT: unless you can get the barrels free from craigslist.. you cut your cost in half...
make sure to get food grade barrels!!!

i do a 55 linked to a 275galllon tote in my greenhouse with em-1 and quantum growth light in there for plants only :) add some honey or molasses or even yogurt and boom big ass bloom of micros
hi all,

i just found this site and especialy this thread and was wondering if it is allowed to talk about germ problems i have had with a RD sstrain

im not in to giving scott a bad name or anything and am actualy a fan (if you may call it that way) of his strains and his work for legalisation in general..

have just started about 6 months ago growing my favorit plants again after a 13 year break and have done almost a year of research for a breeding project i have currently going on..

target of that project is to get auto scott's with as much of the scotts traits in there as possible so i only want the auto trait and maybe the height of the autoflower i am using (lowryder#1)

ive got tons of questions about pheno types and some other things especialy about the scott's og and i think or hope i have found the right place for it as ive seen there are lots of growers in this thread that have good experience with the RD genetics :)

wont post any negative stuff unless i get a clear to go as i dont want to offend anyone so hope i can mention my problem but wont if people rather not have me do that

greets SIN

PS. here are a few shots of my 3 scott's og they are at day 18 of veg and got the seeds from seed city

scott's og #01
scotts og-01 28-08-2015 01.JPG
scott's og #02
scotts og-02 28-08-2015 01.JPG
leafshot of the scott's og #02
leaf shot scotts og-02 28-08-2015.JPG
scott's og #03
scotts og-03 scotts og-02 28-08-2015 01.JPG

hope you guys (and girls) can tell me if they are looking like the scotts should look after 18 days and maybe some tips or advice on strain specific things

all help is highly apreciated ;)
hi all,

i just found this site and especialy this thread and was wondering if it is allowed to talk about germ problems i have had with a RD sstrain

im not in to giving scott a bad name or anything and am actualy a fan (if you may call it that way) of his strains and his work for legalisation in general..

have just started about 6 months ago growing my favorit plants again after a 13 year break and have done almost a year of research for a breeding project i have currently going on..

target of that project is to get auto scott's with as much of the scotts traits in there as possible so i only want the auto trait and maybe the height of the autoflower i am using (lowryder#1)

ive got tons of questions about pheno types and some other things especialy about the scott's og and i think or hope i have found the right place for it as ive seen there are lots of growers in this thread that have good experience with the RD genetics :)

wont post any negative stuff unless i get a clear to go as i dont want to offend anyone so hope i can mention my problem but wont if people rather not have me do that

greets SIN

PS. here are a few shots of my 3 scott's og they are at day 18 of veg and got the seeds from seed city

scott's og #01
View attachment 3489543
scott's og #02
View attachment 3489544
leafshot of the scott's og #02
View attachment 3489542
scott's og #03
View attachment 3489541

hope you guys (and girls) can tell me if they are looking like the scotts should look after 18 days and maybe some tips or advice on strain specific things

all help is highly apreciated ;)

@Mohican the scotts og GURU
#1-#2 are exhibiting a lot of what I seen in my Lee Roys. The Crinkled leafs and the branch growth shooting straight up.

Great for small space grows. The plants stay within the confines of the pot.

I got great smoke, keep posting pics as you grow her :) Scotts is one I'm very interested in.
@ Joedank i just read part of a thread from mohican. half an hour ago, before i joined.
thats what made me deceide to make an account here ;)

very funny thats the firt thing that comes up when asking about scott's og :D
#1-#2 are exhibiting a lot of what I seen in my Lee Roys. The Crinkled leafs and the branch growth shooting straight up.

Great for small space grows. The plants stay within the confines of the pot.

I got great smoke, keep posting pics as you grow her :) Scotts is one I'm very interested in.

@Mr.Head will do so.. i might even start a thread and make a grow journal here too of them allthough its allready well on the way so a bit late to start a journal but ill see if i get around to it

allready have this journalled on 3 other sites so a 4th will make each new update a litlle more work to keep all up to date :)

greets SIN