Rapid rooters


Can I put germinated seeds in rapid rooters and if so how long after can I put in dwc filled with hydroton


yes i have put germinated seeds in rapid rooters with the stem pointing down and then would put the rooter in a styrofoam holder floating in water. I use soil but wouldn't transplant them outa the stryrofoam for a couple days until u can see roots coming out the sides. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
While you certainly can, you don't want to germinate the seed in Rapid Rooters. The fiber is too dense for a seedling to grow up through if it sprouts sideways or upside down. If you germed them in paper towels, then yeah, just make sure the root point down.


Well-Known Member
While you certainly can, you don't want to germinate the seed in Rapid Rooters. The fiber is too dense for a seedling to grow up through if it sprouts sideways or upside down. If you germed them in paper towels, then yeah, just make sure the root point down.
i germinate all my seeds in them. never had a problem with them at all. :)


Well-Known Member
Do rapid rooters work better than peat-based starters? I might switch, the peat is so damn cheap though.


Well-Known Member
While you certainly can, you don't want to germinate the seed in Rapid Rooters. The fiber is too dense for a seedling to grow up through if it sprouts sideways or upside down. If you germed them in paper towels, then yeah, just make sure the root point down.
i germinate all my seeds in them. never had a problem with them at all. :)
Me too. I soak my seed in the bottom of my rapid rooter tray to be sure it germ'd and then use a spoon to pick it up and drop it into the rapid rooter. I just keep a dark cover on it until it is over the top the rapid rooter and transplant to soil once the first 2 leaves are green.