rapid rooters vs rockwool


Active Member
so i bought a tray full of rapid rooters about 3 weeks ago and i cloned enough to fill the whole tray its been week and a half 2 weeks almost now and im getting no roots, really dissapointing seeing how so many people praise these things saying there the best medium for clones, im used to rockwool and had a high sucess rate with clones rooting in a mere 7 days, if it aint broken dont fix it i guess, but i seem to have a problem with dampening off, its just way too far of a fine line between soaked and bone dry its really a pain in the ass this is the last time ill be using these things, but im wondering is there a secret? cause im trying different water amounts etc and nothing seems to be working, my technique is the same soak is the same but nothing! any advice appreciated cause i got about 10 left, ill give it one more shot


Active Member
yeah they fall apart, hardly re-usable cant stick a tag thru them cause they stretch like crazy, and its difficult to get a peek if your curious to check on root development without damage, besides being ph stable out of the box i think these things are complete GARBAGE any nay-sayers?


Well-Known Member
yeah they fall apart, hardly re-usable cant stick a tag thru them cause they stretch like crazy, and its difficult to get a peek if your curious to check on root development without damage, besides being ph stable out of the box i think these things are complete GARBAGE any nay-sayers?
I also cut my cubes in half, so one pack is actually double. dont need all that rockwool just to root my plant.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i threw my RR's in the compost pile they suck i was either to wet or too dry... peat pucks for me... rock wool i'm indifferent

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
save your money and go buy a 10 gallon fish aquarium 10.00 (wal mart) and a heat pad.. place plants inside and cover with clear plastic... will do the same as a HD if not better... I'm waiting for the plastic to wear out before i set up mine

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
peat pucks cost me 10 cents a piece i buy them by the bag... a dome is 4.00 and tray is 2.00... my heat pad was 25.00... but its a name brand seedling mat..



Well-Known Member
heat pads work wonders for that kind of thing man, do you have one?

about the jiffy 7 peat pucks, i got the same ones from ebay, great buy, im going to try out rapid rooters next and decide what i like more, rockwool was no good for me, these pellets are easy as hell and work great for starting seeds or cloning. had sprouts in 2 days using the water germination technique.


Well-Known Member
heres a pic, put the seeds in water sunday night, they cracked by the next morning, i put them in the pucks, its tuesday and this is what i have... perty good id say. rockwool might be better for cloning, these better for seeds...



Active Member
smart thinking superhighme there is always more than needed ima start doin that myself i lovehow rockwools so mouldable, nice dogglet, never even heard of those peat things ill have to try em, i do have a heating pad and have used it after watering em to make sure there not too wet for an extended period, its just hard finding an equalibrium to the wetness, definetly to each his own and theres some people out there with high rooting rates, suppose im not one of em :) just sucks cause i cloned the crap outta my mommas, and now im gonna wait awile as it just got stressed on top of those 30+ clones hope it doesnt hermie :( i do agree that for seeds there just fine maybe in some ways better than rockwool if its seed planted into dirt as i have some right now


Well-Known Member
oh forgot to mention what is that pellet made up of glassfreak?
those are the jiffy sevens (peat) after they've absorbed water. I started seeds in both jiffys and rapid rooters and i liked the RR alot more. way less mess, and i popped a few into 6x6" rockwool for a flood/drain and it adapted very well. I find the sponginess of RR holds a more consistant water level when used correctly. Whoever said its all personal preference though its definetly right. I wont use jiffy again but know lots of people who are perfectly happy with them.


Well-Known Member
those are the ones FDD! You might be the first to post a pic of a clone in a rapid rooter thats not being used upside down. First I've seen on here :weed:


Well-Known Member
i love my rapid rooters. you have to use the tray with them. i put about a 1/4 inch of water in the bottom tray and moisten the plugs and cover them with the dome for the first three days. after three days i uncover them and let my plug dry out to almost dry. then i add water to the bottom tray. they start to show roots the first tie the plugs dry out. if not the first time then the second.

oops, my bad. 7 days, ...... https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/88016-roots-7-days-my-cloning.html