Rant: Why do people lie?


Well-Known Member
personally, i dont post much (if any) information on a forum like this because i am a paranoid mother fucker. i dont want any of you to know the real me. infact i often throw in one random bullshit fact just to throw off any FEDS that might be reading the board.

p.s. i live in costa rica but i have a vacation home in budapest hungary. i also smoke weed and then design websites which i sell for $10,000.... the last website i sold was to a cop... but he makes 500k a year so its all good.


Well-Known Member
Really? Lying is too much work if you ask me. Having to remember your lies, and make new lies to keep things straight...too much bullshit.

But not all lies are bad...when I was a kid my mom told me my cat ran away rather than tell me it got ran over....we get really elaborate with the Santa lie around here too. On Christmas eve my brother was on the roof stomping around, shouting Ho Ho Ho and ringing "slay bells". My niece FREAKED (she was 3) and when she ran outside, her new Escalade Power Wheel was on the front porch with a bow.


Well-Known Member
yeah...... ^^

not being a dick.... not trying to ruin your fun on this forum... neither am i saying stop posting shit.....

but i want to see you grow ^^

peace..... come on atleast show some cfls ^^


Well-Known Member
Well, I WAS growing, until those spidermites got me...

But actually DWR, I'm going to get some new clones from the club and start again now that I have money again! I'm just not sure if I want to grow in soil again, or try a hydro set up. Since I'm getting a big lump sum of money at once, I'll have the cash to put out on equipment...I just don't know if I'll have the time.

Does this meet with your approval? lol Am I ok to keep tokin and talking?


Well-Known Member
Well, I WAS growing, until those spidermites got me...

But actually DWR, I'm going to get some new clones from the club and start again now that I have money again! I'm just not sure if I want to grow in soil again, or try a hydro set up. Since I'm getting a big lump sum of money at once, I'll have the cash to put out on equipment...I just don't know if I'll have the time.

Does this meet with your approval? lol Am I ok to keep tokin and talking?
rofl, i dont care... just cant be bothr'd to actually open the toke n talk area anymore...

wont be visitng so much anymore because of my cam. But i'm cool with ya.... you see if i dont confront ppl i get frustrated inside... ( pardon my english it sucks.... ) *edit * Confront isnt the word i was looking for because confronting means u have to stick up to something you did bad... hmmm.... well anyway hope ya understood me ^^

^^ hehehehe keep toke n talkin ^^ :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

wasnt attacking you at all... peace

:peace::joint: :hump:


Well-Known Member
yeah cant post pics... wont be visting forum so much.

Will still come around... but yeah it sucks if i cant post my loved one's on here :D


Well-Known Member
oh cuz you used your PHONE! ok, for a while I didn't get it. DAMN, all those pics from your Grow Journal were taken with your phone? Camera phone pics always look so shitty, I didn't put it together....


New Member
People lie to protect thier fragile egos and protect their loved ones. But mainly #1.

I personally dispise liars but have found that some truths are left unsaid.

I try to be as honest as I can but have been told that I am brutally honest or that I am too honest for my own good.

I have always had a fascination with this subject also as I find that people lie so easily. I think it has a lot to do with your conscious and self awareness. Some people just don't care what lies they tell or who they tell them to.

I could never quite wrap my head around that one either. :blsmoke:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Some people lie very easily, I am not sure how. I try to be as honest as I can. I have even been told I can be too blunt and harsh. But sometimes the truth is harsh and has to be told, even if it means hurting someone's feelings. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey the leaders of our countries lie right to our faces....it's all crap, crap crap
Wikid what's with the it ran away dear bullshit I got that to when my cat got squashed..
sigh !


Well-Known Member
Some people lie very easily, I am not sure how. I try to be as honest as I can. I have even been told I can be too blunt and harsh. But sometimes the truth is harsh and has to be told, even if it means hurting someone's feelings. :mrgreen::peace:

cool....... i agree that there's ppl like that... i dont know you.... ^^

and, can i ask you what does this have to do with anything... * not being rude, maybe being a little blunt and harsh :D *...... :peace:

im so stoned, sry..... ^^ loads of stuff going on around me ^^


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
cool....... i agree that there's ppl like that... i dont know you.... ^^

and, can i ask you what does this have to do with anything... * not being rude, maybe being a little blunt and harsh :D *...... :peace:

im so stoned, sry..... ^^ loads of stuff going on around me ^^
Just going off I guess, I am stoned too, lol. :mrgreen::peace: