Rank Ass Smelling plant

My plant has the rankest, nastiest, smell.

Its the second week of flowering and my

plant smells like ass. not sure what it is.

Im using organic soil not hydro.

What the hell is going on??

switched the pots out thinking there was

some rank water stuck in the bottom??

HELP? The house stinks!!


Well-Known Member
i had a papaya and it smelled real funked up but after harvest dry and good cure it turned out to be one of my favorites but the smell before it was ready was nasty


What do u actually mean like a bad smell? An if so wats something it smells like? Does it smell like mold?


Well-Known Member
i had a papaya and it smelled real funked up but after harvest dry and good cure it turned out to be one of my favorites but the smell before it was ready was nasty
mine was super greasy with a waxy resin and smelled like rotting fermenting fruit but in a bad way and like bug spray or citrinilla...yeah thats what it was like a strong citrinilla bug reppelent candle..it was nasty but ended up being real good smoke. and i hadnt used any sprays and wasnt foliar feeding