random questions about mj


Well-Known Member
is it possible 2 breed 2 plants without using seeds? for example graft a cut 2 the root system of one plant,,,,,,, then take cuttings from the new growth from the branch u grafted and graft these plant and so on and so on , would it improve gentics?, new idea,,, haha just makeing this up as i go, i wonder what would happen if u graft a male 2 a female plant? would it cause crazy hybrid seeds with like genetics? im wondering if it would make the male have more female genetics? would also be easy 2 seed ur plant becuase it is growing with it, if u planed it right u can keep all the pollen sacks off the male un till the later weeks in flowering when pollination is nessecery, also control the amount of pollen released by pruning the male if u had a single plant room with ur best male grafted on the female u could always be producing seeds at all times, also one more ? would candles be a valuable co2 source? or would the exhaust from them be bad for plant growth?
bongsmilie good luck every one on RIU, got any questions feel free 2 spill the beans, thanks for reading my bs.


Well-Known Member
well u cant make stable herm seeds with a clone only strain as far as i know of, isnt herm gentics bad? im talking about taking a pure male and grafting it with a clone only prue strain and then letting them do thier buissness, or being able 2 cross plsnts with out any pollination what so ever? would grafting on2 a plant make the new growth have the herime trait aswell?? becuase i have a awsome clone that gets an awsome root system but she hermies easy is thier a way of ridding the hermie gentic and producing an even better plant,


Active Member
Grafting only lets you combine strains on one stalk, it doesnt mix the genes, you dont get any new strain from it they just share the root system.

Any plant will herm if theres enough stress. Herm seeds usualy produce more of a chance of getting a herm, so i wouldnt suggest using a herm seed to play with genetics.


Well-Known Member
thanks for your imput, so what do u guys think of using candles for co2? or bad idea? i have a cool enclosed candle holder like a lantern, also how easy is it 2 use a sulfer burner during budding stage? i think i mite need one i have white spots on some of the leaves due 2 over watering a while ago, or should i go with a dehumidifier?, i think the sulfer burner will be a better buy, any thoughts?


Active Member
Candles won't do shit. Why risk burning down your house. The fire dept will find the source of the fire in 2 seconds, then call the narcs.


Active Member
Oh yeah, safe candles. How stupid of me.

You brought it up. I commented, hoping to help you. No need for name calling.

I guess I better shut up, because I'M WAY OUT OF LINE to suggest that burning candles is not a good idea near your grow op.


bud bootlegger
yah, i have to agree that burning candles in a grow room doesn't sound like the safest idea.. if your looking for ways to cheaply add co2 to your grow room, look into the old sugar and yeast method... it works fairly well for small areas. and you don't have to worry about burning down the house, always a postitve in my book...

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
is it possible 2 breed 2 plants without using seeds? for example graft a cut 2 the root system of one plant,,,,,,, then take cuttings from the new growth from the branch u grafted and graft these plant and so on and so on , would it improve gentics?, new idea,,, haha just makeing this up as i go, i wonder what would happen if u graft a male 2 a female plant? would it cause crazy hybrid seeds with like genetics? im wondering if it would make the male have more female genetics? would also be easy 2 seed ur plant becuase it is growing with it, if u planed it right u can keep all the pollen sacks off the male un till the later weeks in flowering when pollination is nessecery, also control the amount of pollen released by pruning the male if u had a single plant room with ur best male grafted on the female u could always be producing seeds at all times, also one more ? would candles be a valuable co2 source? or would the exhaust from them be bad for plant growth?
bongsmilie good luck every one on RIU, got any questions feel free 2 spill the beans, thanks for reading my bs.


a graft does not change the genes of the plant
you can graft an apple tree to an orange tree and the fruits would still be the same off of each grafted area never mixing the two too make a new plant or type of fruit
pollenation is the only way to make a new strain or stronger genes

just keep a male from every grow and pollenate the mesbt looking female a nd keep this going as long as your growing and you'll be fine

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
thanks for your imput, so what do u guys think of using candles for co2? or bad idea? i have a cool enclosed candle holder like a lantern, also how easy is it 2 use a sulfer burner during budding stage? i think i mite need one i have white spots on some of the leaves due 2 over watering a while ago, or should i go with a dehumidifier?, i think the sulfer burner will be a better buy, any thoughts?
if its a lantern and the flame is blue it making co2
but a wax candle is no good there's a guy that make something called the black box it runs on acetone, denatured alcohol or colmon camping fuel


Well-Known Member
my point was just 2 know if it could supply co2 for a grow room, thanks for the vids that shit, i bet those black boxes are very pricey, i would like 2 make something home made that looks fairly simple, dam it would be so much easier 2 just light a candle, and cheaper,

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
dam it would be so much easier 2 just light a candle, and cheaper,
but a candle wont work,,, idt
but these little cheap stoves will work
or you can make one

check out stove no.8 in second video (5:18)


Well-Known Member
new question i have weird white jelly stuff floating in my flora nectar bottle, is it bad? has any one had this happen?