Well-Known Member
This op is nothing but an oxygen pirate. Close the thread and he'll most likely suffocate
I found your picture on the net.... lord help us if you figure out how to reproduce...Lol or it's a govt funded company.. Wouldn't expect someone of your IQ to know what that is lol
gottemmmmmm!I found your picture on the net.... lord help us if you figure out how to reproduce...
Post the article then. Don't talk about it, be about it.Had a pic up but everyone's being petty and idgaf what's anyone thinks on here so I tool it down. I asked if it was worth my time. It's NOBODIES fucking plant lol me and the people that work there know for a fact! It's known the land has fucking ditch weed on it. There's a fucking article online about it. I grabbed a intriguing bigger one before the land is frozen and then destroyed next year to dry out and now the internet nazis are out. Honestly. If you don't know somebody or the situation how about you put the cheeba down and use your fucking brain before you go into a dumb ass brain dead rant on shit you have no idea about hahaha the internet finds new ways to expose the dumbest people
So he doesn't have a job .........he just goes around stealing so called wild purp from abandoned job. No class and a theif ........your future looks bright lol wtf And I didn't realize you were 12 until you told you said bowl of dicks .........and now I realize your to dumb to grow so you gotta steal to get high .............I hope there was a game cam and dude gets all the info he needs to handle your punk ass for don't fuck with guerrilla growers especially .......hope he finds your punk ass and makes you his garden bitch for stealing his hard work .......punk theifI'm already done with this site and gladly lol. Eat a bowl of dicks haha. You don't know jack shit and I hope you live in my state because your paying my paycheck with Your taxes you piece of shit. So thanks
Exactly, so why fucking take it?I would expect a moderator to act more professional. You don't know if its from some seeds thrown on the ground while cleaning the bud before smoking or planted by somebody that cares for it.
When 78 crips rape you there's going to be some bloods!78 crips lol wtf Lmfao that's classic that's hilarious .......
i got it and got a chuckle out of it as well lolWhen 78 crips rape you there's going to be some bloods!
My jokes have really been going down hill lately.