Random Jibber Jabber Thread


New Member
as far as a gradient i mean im only talking about my flowering room right now... but the plants (in rows) will be shifting down the room. i would like the first lights they see to be more geared to vegetative growth and as they shift down the line the lights will be more for ideal flowering. So im getting that on one end of the room i will have MH supplemented with HPS.. then the end of the room will be HPS with some MH supplement.. led , uv, basically trying to hit all the spectrum's they would get from the sun. Maybe this is just to confusing without a picture so ill try to whip something up on paint


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I did that before.Such a PITA,having rows of girls of a different age.Way to hard to get the idividual nute requirements for each girl.Lots of extra mixing at feed time.I burned lots of girls till I dialed in that system.Its reality its a nightmare IMO.


I thought this show was stupid till I got stoned once
I didn't realise American farmers were so stylish, they plough the fields in suit and tie, wow that's pretty impressive. lol


Well-Known Member
I did that before.Such a PITA,having rows of girls of a different age.Way to hard to get the idividual nute requirements for each girl.Lots of extra mixing at feed time.I burned lots of girls till I dialed in that system.Its reality its a nightmare IMO.
did you ever get it dialed in? That makes sence i would need to run a different feeding system for each row due to nutrient requirements at that stage of flowering. i had not thought of that to be honest... would soil be easier compared to a hydro coco system.. advantages/disadvantages.. ying/yang.. my/god


New Member
did you ever get it dialed in? That makes sence i would need to run a different feeding system for each row due to nutrient requirements at that stage of flowering. i had not thought of that to be honest... would soil be easier compared to a hydro coco system.. advantages/disadvantages.. ying/yang.. my/god

I had a sog.By the end of first run it got handled.If you did it table by table that'd be easier.I got high n arranged mine by height instead of age one day.Big mistake, from a to z.Threw everything off.If you use that hi power guano,it can't get mixed in with all.I Had to keep a much closer eye on the trichs at the end to find the ripe ones.That was all years ago when I had much more ambition


Well-Known Member
did you ever get it dialed in? That makes sence i would need to run a different feeding system for each row due to nutrient requirements at that stage of flowering. i had not thought of that to be honest... would soil be easier compared to a hydro coco system.. advantages/disadvantages.. ying/yang.. my/god
This is what I think:- having a sq of hydro dialed in with the same equal feeding tank is easier than having loads of soil pots which may need different amounts and dry out at different times. With hydro, if you the strain dialed in then you just change the tank every 5-7 days according to your homework. I can run multiple tables like this with even results. Im actually running 3 strains perpetual right now. With soil you will have to be a bit more dexterous and careful. Think I'll go check them actually! ;)


Well-Known Member
You guys ever have a problem with Dynabloom falling out of suspension? I tried using it on 2 seperate occasions and both times the bloom crysalized badly. Not sure what to make of that.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
You guys ever have a problem with Dynabloom falling out of suspension? I tried using it on 2 seperate occasions and both times the bloom crysalized badly. Not sure what to make of that.
Yup! Just ask CN how he hates talking to me when I'm mixing a reservoir ;) He keeps telling me to heat it up ....


Well-Known Member
Yup! Just ask CN how he hates talking to me when I'm mixing a reservoir ;) He keeps telling me to heat it up ....
On both occasions it happened right in the bottle, maybe a month after opening them. That's from the cold? It stays about 60f lights off. I tried mixing it with warm water as per insctructions but the solution never did dissolve fully.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
On both occasions it happened right in the bottle, maybe a month after opening them. That's from the cold? It stays about 60f lights off. I tried mixing it with warm water as per insctructions but the solution never did dissolve fully.
I'm going to put mine in a saucepan on the stove.


Ursus marijanus
On both occasions it happened right in the bottle, maybe a month after opening them. That's from the cold? It stays about 60f lights off. I tried mixing it with warm water as per insctructions but the solution never did dissolve fully.
I think they supersaturate it, the scamps.
Heating and shaking (I would microwave it in glass, then pour it back in while hot) will restore it.

I will bet that the source of the problem is evaporation on the threads of the closure. Once it's in solution, try this - rinse the cap and wet-wipe the neck clean of all nutrient before setting it aside (after every opening!). Preventing the formation of seed crystals should greatly delay the precipitation of those pesky crystals.

I'm going to put mine in a saucepan on the stove.
Maybe even without removing it from the bottle ... I wonder how much heat the bottle will take. A few hours at ~150 with occasional swirling oughtta do nicely.

Yup! Just ask CN how he hates talking to me when I'm mixing a reservoir
He keeps telling me to heat it up ....
those naughty naughty bears.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I think they supersaturate it, the scamps.
Heating and shaking (I would microwave it in glass, then pour it back in while hot) will restore it....snip.....
You win, microwave it is, couple hours my ass.....

Oh and my hub left me all his shirts to iron. Today I am ironing what feels like a million shirts. damn....


Ursus marijanus
You win, microwave it is, couple hours my ass.....

Oh and my hub left me all his shirts to iron. Today I am ironing what feels like a million shirts. damn....
use some jalapeño spray starch ... it'll make him smell like a million pesos, and the strange itch will be pure bonus.



Well-Known Member
I think they supersaturate it, the scamps.
Heating and shaking (I would microwave it in glass, then pour it back in while hot) will restore it.

I will bet that the source of the problem is evaporation on the threads of the closure. Once it's in solution, try this - rinse the cap and wet-wipe the neck clean of all nutrient before setting it aside. Preventing the formation of seed crystals should greatly delay the precipitation of those pesky crystals.

Maybe even without removing it from the bottle ... I wonder how much heat the bottle will take. A few hours at ~150 with occasional swirling oughtta do nicely.

those naughty naughty bears.
Interesting. Heat and shake, I'll give it a whirl sometime.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cannabineer again.


Well-Known Member
You win, microwave it is, couple hours my ass.....

Oh and my hub left me all his shirts to iron. Today I am ironing what feels like a million shirts. damn....
Leave your husband for a younger man&#9825;&#9825;&#9825;??? I iron all my own shit < not a misspelling
I'm not married to her but after 7yrs...
anyway I know I look sharp, I got a kick ass iron and skills (more like ocd)

My boss mentioned it to me once, said I was making everyone look bad. My retort... I'm not making everyone look bad, everyone is making me look good ;-)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Leave your husband for a younger man&#9825;&#9825;&#9825;??? I iron all my own shit < not a misspelling
I'm not married to her but after 7yrs...
anyway I know I look sharp, I got a kick ass iron and skills (more like ocd)

My boss mentioned it to me once, said I was making everyone look bad. My retort... I'm not making everyone look bad, everyone is making me look good ;-)
MMMMMmmmmmmm sweet and smart :) LOL you are so kind, thank you.

Well, a little feet shuffling here, I actually LOVE ironing men's 100% cotton shirts. It takes me immediately back to childhood. My mother was a bit OCD and she ironed everything. But ironing day usually got me a grilled cheese sandwich with Tomato Bisque soup, Ka-Ching!


Well-Known Member
Daughter has her boyfriend over watching Mean Girls..... how many guns should I clean at once? and should I do it in order of size? Caliber or physical size? Would it be too much to bring out a few knives and swords that are dusty too? Roxy has been giving him some mean looks too.. may just leave it at that..


Well-Known Member
MMMMMmmmmmmm sweet and smart :) LOL you are so kind, thank you.

Well, a little feet shuffling here, I actually LOVE ironing men's 100% cotton shirts. It takes me immediately back to childhood. My mother was a bit OCD and she ironed everything. But ironing day usually got me a grilled cheese sandwich with Tomato Bisque soup, Ka-Ching!
My favorite!!!!! You have no idea, well maybe you do now