Random Jibber Jabber Thread

had a close call last night at 3:30.I was sleeping.I heard something fall in my "back room",no biggie.Then I hear what sounds like the smoothest welder ever.I jump outta bed,fly up there to see a new 1000 bulb had broke off the socket and fell to the floor.It melted through my insulation on the floor.The light was still on,arching out in the socket.The smoke was being sucked out of the room before it could trigger the smoke/fire alarm.If I hadn't been home,or if I was not close by,I'm sure my house would be burned down this am REALITY CHECK-....check

^ why I fear growing inside..
had a close call last night at 3:30.I was sleeping.I heard something fall in my "back room",no biggie.Then I hear what sounds like the smoothest welder ever.I jump outta bed,fly up there to see a new 1000 bulb had broke off the socket and fell to the floor.It melted through my insulation on the floor.The light was still on,arching out in the socket.The smoke was being sucked out of the room before it could trigger the smoke/fire alarm.If I hadn't been home,or if I was not close by,I'm sure my house would be burned down this am REALITY CHECK-....check
the mogel broke off the hood, having a hard time with this one
i am so pissed off my upstairs neighbours have been chucking dirty fucking drug needles out their windows thor almost stepped on one today I CALLED THE LANDLORD ASAP
and if he doesnt do anything about it i told him i got a soild 2x4 and ill fucking do something
had a close call last night at 3:30.I was sleeping.I heard something fall in my "back room",no biggie.Then I hear what sounds like the smoothest welder ever.I jump outta bed,fly up there to see a new 1000 bulb had broke off the socket and fell to the floor.It melted through my insulation on the floor.The light was still on,arching out in the socket.The smoke was being sucked out of the room before it could trigger the smoke/fire alarm.If I hadn't been home,or if I was not close by,I'm sure my house would be burned down this am REALITY CHECK-....check

geesh! close call man. I guess this is another benefit to running hoods with glass
the mogel broke off the hood, having a hard time with this one

the glass and the metal came apart.The bulb was still screwed in but the internals of the HPS melted.Glass fell on the floor,the socket was still in the light,arching away.Everything was new 8/15 of this year.Will try to get some pics up.
Must 've been a freak acccident.I just installed this bulb 6 hrs earlier,it only had a couple hrs on it prior.I was tight in the socket.I triple check that and all connections
geesh! close call man. I guess this is another benefit to running hoods with glass

NO NO NO,much worse if it had been behind glass.You'll never now there was a fire until its to late.The glass will hold in the smoke/smell and run it thru your filter and you'll be none the wiser till its to late.

I usually run behind glass but switched one out by chance.If it had been 1 of the two little bulbs behind the glass it would have been virtually undetectable
Met a chick, her names ally, I like her, she likes me. She manages two dunkin donuts and has a 780 credit score so looks like ill finally not have a girl sucking the indateet. I really enjoy being single but god damn it gets confusing when they all start adding up and still contact you. In other ews I. Thinking of finally getting rid of the flip phone and upgrading... Any suggestions? Was looking at the Moto x because well... The name and you can customize it from the store matte black and red a yup
and what would be combustible in a sealed hood?

Last night I could see the smoke getting pulled in my filter.It made it go away quickly could barely smell it either.So your air system in your lights will cover up a issue with ease.
I can't really explain it any better,but I'll try.IMO-(I'm a dumb fawker fwiw)
The better its sealed,the harder it is to discover.IE- attic,crawl space,etc
The short circuit can burn you down even if there is nothing combustible behind the glass.Maybe you'll trip a breaker,maybe you won't.Mine didn't trip.
I am putting a smoke alarm in the ducting of my air cooled hoods today
Are all houses made out of wood, or plywood in the states? I remember that my old man told me that when he used to work and live in Long Island, he was walking about one day and saw a neighborhood in fire. He got there and was amazed as the fireman would break apart houses trying to put the flames away, instead of trying to save as much of the structure as possible. Down here houses are made out of concrete and bricks.
Met a chick, her names ally, I like her, she likes me. She manages two dunkin donuts and has a 780 credit score so looks like ill finally not have a girl sucking the indateet. I really enjoy being single but god damn it gets confusing when they all start adding up and still contact you. In other ews I. Thinking of finally getting rid of the flip phone and upgrading... Any suggestions? Was looking at the Moto x because well... The name and you can customize it from the store matte black and red a yup

good for you man, and for the phone I'd recommend looking into the galaxy. just got an s4 and its lightening quick and can do just about anything
Are all houses made out of wood, or plywood in the states? I remember that my old man told me that when he used to work and live in Long Island, he was walking about one day and saw a neighborhood in fire. He got there and was amazed as the fireman would break apart houses trying to put the flames away, instead of trying to save as much of the structure as possible. Down here houses are made out of concrete and bricks.

mostly wood construction nowadays.Lots of bricks in the city.Commercial buildings get blocks/steel studs.Back in the day (pre 1960) concrete houses were poured a little more often then today
good for you man, and for the phone I'd recommend looking into the galaxy. just got an s4 and its lightening quick and can do just about anything
Are they durable? Im pretty aggressive on my things. I know I don't want the I phone every one I have ever seen is cracked so not the kind for me
Are they durable? Im pretty aggressive on my things. I know I don't want the I phone every one I have ever seen is cracked so not the kind for me

I recommend the galaxy as well. As far as durability, it's a touch screen so if you drop it on a hard surface there's a good chance of cracking the screen.
i also recommend samsung galaxy

i love it when thor goes to lick the kitten and because shes so small her entire face/head is wet ITS HILARIOUS
she just gets this stunned look on her face and sticks out her tongue
Are they durable? Im pretty aggressive on my things. I know I don't want the I phone every one I have ever seen is cracked so not the kind for me

an otterbox case with the raised edges makes it pretty hard to break the screen from dropping, only reason i broke my s3 was because I took the case off for some reason