Random Jibber Jabber Thread

What does it take for a grow set-up to be considered "un-sophisticated"? I guess the police HAVE to embellish to make it sound like they took millions of dollars of MJ from a high tech super sophisticated grow op in order to get support? He was using turkey roasting trays for reflectors for crying out loud! The article also claimed they were pumping Carbon Monoxide into the room? Sheesh... They can't even get their info straight.


hey keen, it's Mississippi, alarm clocks instead of roosters are hi-tech
May your dreams make you weightless, giving you wings so you may soar above, witnessing the forest's growth, the canopy giving shade to sun seared souls, leaving you a drift on the wind's memories of blended hues, only to be gently swayed back to shore by the tides of life...
The only reason I made another account was to cyber with myself.. And well it's taken a life of its own now, I barely use it but the post count keeps climbing. I think it created self awareness the other day, at least that's what the pm said.
(why bleach doesnt work on mold, infact its 50 water 50 vinegar. ) ...snip...

sunni wow you are just getting it right and left! So unfair! This has nothing to do with you. It's all about substrate, ventilation and humidityl

I just wanted to mention that laundry bleach is usually water and 3% sodium hypochlorite. But I'm sure the bear will be along shortly to correct me LOL. Take care of yourself especially well right now. You need it.
sunni wow you are just getting it right and left! So unfair! This has nothing to do with you. It's all about substrate, ventilation and humidityl

I just wanted to mention that laundry bleach is usually water and 3% sodium hypochlorite. But I'm sure the bear will be along shortly to correct me LOL. Take care of yourself especially well right now. You need it.
when it rains it pours my friend! lol the landlady was very nice she cleaned it up, and bought me a dehumidifier, so that is currently running, im doing laundry at my moms right now I did every article of clothing, I also Lysol fabreezed the bed since I cant wash it and its air drying ect, so its all getting done and done I got to stay at a lovely suite hotel last night so whatever ;)
The only reason I made another account was to cyber with myself.. And well it's taken a life of its own now, I barley use it but the post count keeps climbing. I think it created self awareness the other day, at least that's what the pm said.

Does it eat the barley? Maybe that was your mistake? Don't feed them! So far I've been talking with mine but it won't answer me back......

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Indagrow again.

  • Does it eat the barley? Maybe that was your mistake? Don't feed them! So far I've been talking with mine but it won't answer me back......​

just stay away from moldy rye, or it will talk back to you

  • Does it eat the barley? Maybe that was your mistake? Don't feed them! So far I've been talking with mine but it won't answer me back......​

just stay away from moldy rye, or it will talk back to you
Ergot, half of France was tripping. I believe the book was called 'Tje Day Of StAndrews Fire.
Wow, after that sort of accolade, I'm going to have to get my climbing shoes on to reach mensabarbie status, LOL. Do you think I will have to take my crampons off the string to get there?

ummmmm, i'm confused now.

sunni wow you are just getting it right and left! So unfair! This has nothing to do with you. It's all about substrate, ventilation and humidityl

I just wanted to mention that laundry bleach is usually water and 3% sodium hypochlorite. But I'm sure the bear will be along shortly to correct me LOL. Take care of yourself especially well right now. You need it.

you are right in percentage but u can buy a stronger bleach thats like 6% or buy TSP its a powder u mix with water and very strong but got wear gloves
was that menstruabarbie, that's what i saw first, course im stoned, as usual
as far as typing skills, i'm a hunt n pecker
i should go pack another bowl,
is this the right thread?