Random Jibber Jabber Thread

You have date yet? My apologies, I was under the impression you traveled to tie the knot.
nooooooo no...i've lost enough of my stuff in the past without paying for a divorce lawyer too.
however i may consider it so she can't be forced to testify against me, god forbid anything should happen. not that i do anything that would require me to be in a courtroom :eyesmoke:
Where's Carne at? I want to know if he's going to get married. If the supreme court says every American does in fact have a right to pursue happiness regardless of sexual orientation.

This is going to be a little complicated. I hope you can keep up. I have always been for marriage equality. I know that denying a segment of society equal status under the law is unconstitutional and ethically wrong. My reason for wanting marriage equality comes from a different direction. I don't want it for myself.

The very foundation of my faith is free agency. The right to choose and make decisions freely. Restricting choice goes against everything I believe in. I will never get married. I will never have another partner. Because my religion says no. You may think the point is moot but I am still being denied a choice. Denied through an unconstitutional law. A law that hurts a large segment of the U.S. population.

In my faith we believe that we existed before our tenure on earth and fought a great battle with 1/3 the host of Heaven and their leader. What was the battle about? Free Agency. The leader of that group wanted everyone forced into following a certain path. Without choice without free will. God said, "Hell no!" and the fight was on. We won. Free Agency was maintained. Yay for our side. In my opinion denying marriage not only compromises free agency but it's also unconstitutional.

I can't begin to explain what being a generational Mormon is like. It's a very complicated religion. But it's more than a religion. It's my culture and my heritage. I made a choice to go back to church and honor my faith and be with my family. But I won't let my faith dictate how others should live. I have no right to do that, neither does my church.

So, no. No marriage for me.

When all is said and done I I think Prop 8 will fall and DOMA will stand. I hope I'm wrong but it's the only compromise I think the SCOTUS will allow.
I'm at the point where I see people trying to work within the law to change the law, even when the law is an unconstitutional pile of garbage and I want to destroy the system that enables big money and special interests and even the idiotic Government to limit a person's individual freedoms for the sake of someone else's feelings. Fuck your feelings, freedom is more important than any one person or group. Talk about it all you want, go out and protest all you want, but the instant you begin to enact legislation limiting freedom, you're going against the Constitution and the principals upon which we claim to base our lives. I can't wrap my head around the hypocrisy that allows a person with one breath to proclaim this is the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, then in the next list off the things they want banned, restricted, or have laws made against because it scares them.
while i am contemplating stone crab. :eyesmoke:

Now your talking Sunnyboy.....My son, My son-in-law, my sons buddy and yours truly had a boys night out last Friday......Crab, Oysters on the half shell, jumbo shrimp, Cat Fish.....Clam Chowder....it was all there boys.....delicious.....We had to drive 1&1/2 hour to get there but it was worth every mile.....Plus they hot boxed the Suv going and coming.....so we had the munchies somewhat fierce by the time we got there. Driving back home....A one and a half hr drive took us three hours.....I would catch myself driving 30 mph on that lonely mountain highway as we just enjoyed the drive back home.....
Now your talking Sunnyboy.....My son, My son-in-law, my sons buddy and yours truly had a boys night out last Friday......Crab, Oysters on the half shell, jumbo shrimp, Cat Fish.....Clam Chowder....it was all there boys.....delicious.....We had to drive 1&1/2 hour to get there but it was worth every mile.....Plus they hot boxed the Suv going and coming.....so we had the munchies somewhat fierce by the time we got there. Driving back home....A one and a half hr drive took us three hours.....I would catch myself driving 30 mph on that lonely mountain highway as we just enjoyed the drive back home.....
wow you really must love your seafood BC. i traded for 40lbs of crab claws 3 weeks ago and my buddy came over tonight and we bartered for another 30lbs :eyesmoke:
UGh, I'm looking at 15.99lb for live maine lobsters. I'm anxious for when they drop to 4.99lb. I'm going to bake some haddock tomorrow now, my mind is set.
wow you really must love your seafood BC. i traded for 40lbs of crab claws 3 weeks ago and my buddy came over tonight and we bartered for another 30lbs :eyesmoke:

I love the barter system....thats the way to do business!! Thats awesome......I'm willing to barter....:-) I have a friend that lives in Sitka, Alaska.....I ship him Hatch Green Chilie and he sends back king crab claws......
Oh, you guys are making me miss Newfoundland! I want lobster now, mmmm. We had a joke there because the lobster use to be so plentiful. The Poor kids brought lobster sandwiches to school and the rich kids got boloney.
I love it....do they really drop down that low....thats an awesome price!
Yes, sometimes a dollar lower but you have to know what time to get there. There's a strong asian community that buys where I go. That's a good sign in my book.

I used to throw real nice cookouts. sriacha shrimp, lobster, bbq chkn, zucchini grilled, fresh salads. Good times.