Random Jibber Jabber Thread

for one of my sociology classes in college we had to do a project on social norms.. I decided to do mine in the bathroom stalls of my dorm hall.
I went in one day and sat in one of the stalls until someone came into the one next to me and sat down and proceeded to take care of buisness..
meanwhile while it was dead silent in the bathroom I proceeded to utter a bunch of weird loud moaning sounds like im trying to push out a torpedo from my
ass while the guy is in the stall next to me, didn't say a word... then I dropped 2 bananas in the toilet to make a loud clunking sound.. I then reach my hand
under my side of the stall to his and then say "mind handing me under acouple rolls of toilet paper? mine is out" ....
without saying a word he got up and stormed out of the bathroom in a split second time
K so apparently I chose a bad time to hop offline this morning... I am an animal lover myself. I'm also so incredibly empathetic that anything I did to anyone else I would torture myself for years for. I've been vengeful before, and despite my reasoning, whether or not I believed they deserved it, I still feel guilty about it years later. So please don't fight. I love you guys.
Dude we got 13 inches! God damn it!

I wanna go snowmobiling soooooooo bad. I sold mine :(

Reminds me of a pic I'd seen recently...

People these days. Hey can you run analysis on this part. Give you a cad drawing with missing annotation. Whatever gonna estimate the specs. Probably gonna waste my time because ill have to do it again.