Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I recently watched a documentary on Elephants, their breeding rituals freak me out...seems dangerous for a 6 ton male elephant to mount a 2 ton small female... I never want to see an elephant penis again.

I wonder what a pandas junk looks like....lmfao

Oh God and their gestation period is like ten years. If I was a female elephant i'd be begging an ivory hunter to...off all the males and save some sperm for breeding purposes lol. (Nobody likes a suicidal elephant..)
My neighbor fed her rat poison. Killed my other dog before we knew :(

Dude I would slowly make their home life hell, by being the lady next door from hell !!! My brother will gladly make u a play list of the most annoying music from around the world, also open all blinds and have a naked workout day, but make sure it's when they have people over for a bbq or something fun, ever try and catch invisible bees outside in bathing suit,rubber boots, pig tails and lets paint ur face like a tiger grrrrrr

so sorry that sucks dirty monkey balls covered in sand
My novel use for bagseed...

I have the smokers I know all collect seeds for me, bag seed. They put the really good shit in one bag, and the "meh" weed in another. In the spring, and again early summer, I gather a few friends that remember the idea behind the merry pranksters ... We dress in suits, looking professional, and tour different facilities. Large churches that are outspoken against basic human rights, police departments, zero tolerance businesses, court houses and various other government facilities, such as community action centers, city centers/halls ... During lunch hours (when the waves of dark suits are everywhere) you walk around admiring the bushes/hedges, the woodchip arrangements around the trees, etc. And seed bomb the fuck out of the areas.

1000s of seeds, a dozen or so people, it's fun, almost harmless, and lets the powers that be see that pot grows everywhere -- even those places that try to stop it's growth.

I think I want to seed bomb "legalize it" in a field somewhere, this year.
Rainbow, something has to be done. As an animal lover myself, and someone who takes zero shit from anyone, I think retribution is in order. If you are on board, let's talk away from here.
I don;t believe in Karma. I know too many people that deserve the worst in life and they are doing quite well, and too many good people who have to struggle for everything.
I don;t believe in Karma. I know too many people that deserve the worst in life and they are doing quite well, and too many good people who have to struggle for everything.

I agree to a point.. Doing something back could only make things get worse for her in the end. Look what her neighbors are already capable of.
I agree to a point.. Doing something back could only make things get worse for her in the end. Look what her neighbors are already capable of.

Agreed Eclypse. I don't advocate for full on frontal assault. I'm more of a silent, strategic planner. You do things they wouldn't think were done by you.
I never advocated violence or revenge, I simply suggested acting bat shit crazy so they fear WHAT U MIGHT DO lmfao which is anything.... lol
People stay away from crazy....what they do lol
Clayton, Karma propels you into your next life and affects this current cycle of Samsara.. Karma as a Buddhist tennent spans all your reincarnations.
Karma is action, virtuous, non-virtuous or idle.
WTF April?!?!?!?!? Why did you delete my post?

Because many things said violated site rules , nothing personal just what I do :)
When sexual comments turn violent It crosses the line, words can trigger emotions in people please try and remember this is a public forum not the men's locker room ;)
Because many things said violated site rules , nothing personal just what I do :)
When sexual comments turn violent It crosses the line, words can trigger emotions in people please try and remember this is a public forum not the men's locker room ;)

So, some new asshat can say those things but I cannot? My post was CLEARLY a joke.