Random Jibber Jabber Thread

i haven't smoked resin in so long cant even remember the last time i smoke some maybe the last time i went out i usally try to avoid it coming to this but o well i cant smoke ciggs anymore might as well hit some reason hahah whatever helps me sleep at night right but yea i rember when i wuz at school i wouldn't even think bout it id just do it it wuz like smokin another form of weed to me now its like smokin tar(not herion)
I couldnt find any bowl/downpipe online in UK that would fit my 10mm bong joint. Why sell handheld bongs but not spare parts? So I had to get an "eject-a-bowl". prob cost more than my bong i think. Its got a 9mm stem but has a high temperature silicone grommet around it to squeeze comfortably into most bongs (great for homemade bongs in a pinch i imagine, as making it airtight without smoking plasticy shit is hard). anyone used em?

Just watched a news video of the queen walking alongside £27 billion odd of the UK gold reserves. That stuff is shiny and i is magpie must make it mine! CAW!
Just saw this on a post from another forum, nearly died laughing lol.

My girlfriend still lives in the dorms at college and I've been going to her place a lot recently to study for exams since it's nice and quiet, unlike my suite. Earlier today my buddy and I went there to study. We were on a lot of adderall and that usually makes me need to shit, so we decide to go to the bathroom and battle shit. There's a bathroom right outside her door so it's very easy access, but the whole floor is made up of girls, and the bathroom is a girls-only one. On the door is a sign that reads, "GIRLS ONLY" along with others like that. But like always, we ignored it and strolled on in. We plopped our sweet asses in two of the three stalls and begin to tear it up.

All of a sudden I hear the door open and a girl walks in. I look through the little opening/crack of the stall where the door meets the frame and positively identified an average looking blonde female. I'm sitting in the middle stall and look down to see her feet entering the stall next to me. She sits down and there is silence. My friend and I temporarily halt or shitting and wait for her to finish her pee session. Yeah, a pee session, because that's all girls need to do when they go to the bathroom, right? Oh god.. was I wrong. The next 30 seconds shattered everything I thought I knew about girls and my whole world came crumbling down with it. All of a sudden I hear 2 pretty decently audible fart noises and then silence. I hear my friend in the stall next to me giggling very silently, but its the type of quiet giggle where you can tell the person is absolutely dying on the inside but trying to keep hush. That makes me laugh even more and I'm biting my tongue so hard that it's starting to go numb. Mind you if we are caught in the girls bathroom we get in trouble with the school. Not a big deal but a hassle to deal with. But that laughter was transformed into sheer terror and confusion in a matter of seconds. I heard an initial shit or pile of shit or whatever it was splash into the toilet with the force of a scud missile. Farting and shitting noises I haven't even heard my friends produce fill my ears. She then starts to cough and hack up enormous sounding mucus or phlegm, and I hear her spit it into what I fucking hope was toilet paper or into the toilet.

I'm so disheveled and taken by surprise at this time that I quickly stand up, do a half-assed wipe job, and run back into my girlfriends room. She described my face as if I had just seen a ghost or the deer in headlights look. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, I was all mixed up on the inside. a minute later my friend walks in crying laughing and then starts to hit me asking why I didn't stick it out with him. I abandoned my good friend in a tough time. I felt like crap. But now you all know, there is a reason they separate girls and boys bathrooms. It's not so they can put urinals in one and not the other, or to make it less awkward. It's to protect you from what you do not or don't want to know.
And the color of gold is ______ ... cn

here is a nugget for the memory impaired
Just saw this on a post from another forum, nearly died laughing lol.

My girlfriend still lives in the dorms at college and I've been going to her place a lot recently to study for exams since it's nice and quiet, unlike my suite. Earlier today my buddy and I went there to study. We were on a lot of adderall and that usually makes me need to shit, so we decide to go to the bathroom and battle shit. There's a bathroom right outside her door so it's very easy access, but the whole floor is made up of girls, and the bathroom is a girls-only one. On the door is a sign that reads, "GIRLS ONLY" along with others like that. But like always, we ignored it and strolled on in. We plopped our sweet asses in two of the three stalls and begin to tear it up.

All of a sudden I hear the door open and a girl walks in. I look through the little opening/crack of the stall where the door meets the frame and positively identified an average looking blonde female. I'm sitting in the middle stall and look down to see her feet entering the stall next to me. She sits down and there is silence. My friend and I temporarily halt or shitting and wait for her to finish her pee session. Yeah, a pee session, because that's all girls need to do when they go to the bathroom, right? Oh god.. was I wrong. The next 30 seconds shattered everything I thought I knew about girls and my whole world came crumbling down with it. All of a sudden I hear 2 pretty decently audible fart noises and then silence. I hear my friend in the stall next to me giggling very silently, but its the type of quiet giggle where you can tell the person is absolutely dying on the inside but trying to keep hush. That makes me laugh even more and I'm biting my tongue so hard that it's starting to go numb. Mind you if we are caught in the girls bathroom we get in trouble with the school. Not a big deal but a hassle to deal with. But that laughter was transformed into sheer terror and confusion in a matter of seconds. I heard an initial shit or pile of shit or whatever it was splash into the toilet with the force of a scud missile. Farting and shitting noises I haven't even heard my friends produce fill my ears. She then starts to cough and hack up enormous sounding mucus or phlegm, and I hear her spit it into what I fucking hope was toilet paper or into the toilet.

I'm so disheveled and taken by surprise at this time that I quickly stand up, do a half-assed wipe job, and run back into my girlfriends room. She described my face as if I had just seen a ghost or the deer in headlights look. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, I was all mixed up on the inside. a minute later my friend walks in crying laughing and then starts to hit me asking why I didn't stick it out with him. I abandoned my good friend in a tough time. I felt like crap. But now you all know, there is a reason they separate girls and boys bathrooms. It's not so they can put urinals in one and not the other, or to make it less awkward. It's to protect you from what you do not or don't want to know.

women are fucking pigs bro.I used to be a janitor at Sears.We would gamble to see had to go in there.Makes me wanna puke just thinking about it
I was going to post this in cn's Beautiful but I wasn't sure if it really fit there.

There's a cool thing you can do with google earth {yes I know it's a bit dated}, see some masterpieces without paying the airfare.


I just like how incapable he is of holding things together. Hysterical breakdown :D