Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Won $70 tonight on football picks. Now to waste it all on whiskey, cigarettes, and hookers.

Just kidding.......it will only be one hooker.
Don't kid yourself. It'll be a fat guy giving you a handjob. ;)
Well......when you're right, you're right. (such a dumb expression isn't it? Like, yeah, no shit when you're right you're right!)

Ol' One Leg Larry is his name. And "one leg" refers to his... umm... third leg.
Well......when you're right, you're right. (such a dumb expression isn't it? Like, yeah, no shit when you're right you're right!)

Ol' One Leg Larry is his name. And "one leg" refers to his... umm... third leg.

I suggest not inquiring into the Discount Program. cn
mmmm peanut butter.

Take a spoon (T-spoon or table) and thrust into a jar of peanut butter.
Next take some (1 or more) Hershey Kisses and put on to spoon.
Eat and enjoy. OMG im hungry...