Well-Known Member
Get him some professional help. Maybe spend more time with him or talk to your family members so everyone can spend a little more time with him. How sick is he physically?
I talked to him about seeing a therapist and he told me those people don't care. That it is hard enough to talk to his own family. I tried to tell him those people are professionals and they are listening. There job is to help you understand your own feeling and help you process them. He told me he didn't want to dump his problems on me.
He just does not realize that is literally what I do for a living. I listen to people's problems and try to help them. He also told me he can't even do the things he used to do anymore. He used to sit at the diner for hours and bullshit with the other old guys and now he says he can't go in there because he can't help but cry everywhere. He'll sit down and he just starts crying so he has to leave. I believe him I catch him all the time just sitting on the couch crying. It's really fucking bad. Like what the fuck am I supposed to do?
He can still walk just not more than maybe 75 feet at a time. He recently developed nerve pain in his shoulder so he can barely lift his arm right now.