Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Get him some professional help. Maybe spend more time with him or talk to your family members so everyone can spend a little more time with him. How sick is he physically?

I talked to him about seeing a therapist and he told me those people don't care. That it is hard enough to talk to his own family. I tried to tell him those people are professionals and they are listening. There job is to help you understand your own feeling and help you process them. He told me he didn't want to dump his problems on me.

He just does not realize that is literally what I do for a living. I listen to people's problems and try to help them. He also told me he can't even do the things he used to do anymore. He used to sit at the diner for hours and bullshit with the other old guys and now he says he can't go in there because he can't help but cry everywhere. He'll sit down and he just starts crying so he has to leave. I believe him I catch him all the time just sitting on the couch crying. It's really fucking bad. Like what the fuck am I supposed to do?

He can still walk just not more than maybe 75 feet at a time. He recently developed nerve pain in his shoulder so he can barely lift his arm right now.
And my mom just like runs off in her own little world. My parents are still together, but I don't think my mom even knows the place he's in right now.

Like he can't even see a pinhead of light.
I talked to him about seeing a therapist and he told me those people don't care. That it is hard enough to talk to his own family. I tried to tell him those people are professionals and they are listening. There job is to help you understand your own feeling and help you process them. He told me he didn't want to dump his problems on me.

He just does not realize that is literally what I do for a living. I listen to people's problems and try to help them. He also told me he can't even do the things he used to do anymore. He used to sit at the diner for hours and bullshit with the other old guys and now he says he can't go in there because he can't help but cry everywhere. He'll sit down and he just starts crying so he has to leave. I believe him I catch him all the time just sitting on the couch crying. It's really fucking bad. Like what the fuck am I supposed to do?
Go with him. Ask him if he wouldn't mind going to a therapy session with you. Tell him how much his depression is affecting you.whatever you do Don't give up, its ok to want to, but don't do it. In the end your effort may be your only salvation. You're a good guy, keep it up.
He just does not realize that is literally what I do for a living. I listen to people's problems and try to help them. He also told me he can't even do the things he used to do anymore.
It appears you've been granted the courage to handle this best you possibly can. Your father confided in you because he believes in you.

Have you considered inviting your dad to join you at the diner he likes? Maybe it will be easier if you're with him. If he crys it will be ok if you're together.
This all stems from the pain management problems. I mean I can help him emotionally. He just sits on the couch overwhelmed with pain and depression. I can't take the pain away. Like he just sits in the same position not moving sometimes cause any movement send a jolt of pain from his lower arm all the way to his brain. He didn't sleep at all last night he just sat on the couch. I keep hitting these emotional peaks. I don't really know the pain hes experiencing.
This all stems from the pain management problems. I mean I can help him emotionally. He just sits on the couch overwhelmed with pain and depression. I can't take the pain away. Like he just sits in the same position not moving sometimes cause any movement send a jolt of pain from his lower arm all the way to his brain. He didn't sleep at all last night he just sat on the couch. I keep hitting these emotional peaks. I don't really know the pain hes experiencing.
blaze him out.
Have you exhausted all avenues with pain management specialists? What if they, as professionals, said 'oil' may help somewhat?
This all stems from the pain management problems. I mean I can help him emotionally. He just sits on the couch overwhelmed with pain and depression. I can't take the pain away. Like he just sits in the same position not moving sometimes cause any movement send a jolt of pain from his lower arm all the way to his brain. He didn't sleep at all last night he just sat on the couch. I keep hitting these emotional peaks. I don't really know the pain hes experiencing.

His pain is being inadequately treated. Unfortunately once somatic pain changes to neuropathic pain, there are really no drugs on the market that are actually effective other than THC. Pain control physicians usually try to deal with this by leaning heavily on the anti-depressants (which he could use right now), unfortunately for around the first 6 weeks these can cause suicidal ideation as well. So if they start up an anti-depressant he needs closely watched.

Are you in a medical state? Because it's only 'quasi' illegal then. I'd go with him to his pain control specialist and make sure they know what is up. I'd also suggest Marijuana to the physician and see if you can get his sub rosa cooperation. You need to bring your dad information on Marijuana for pain control. Guilt him a little bit about being dead and leaving you guys because of the government's baseless intractability etc........

If he completely refuses to try Marijuana, see if you can get his pain control physician to write him for Marinol. That will help some with the neuropathic pain. It is THC and it is legal. It doesn't have the full cannabinoid profile that plants have but it's better than nothing.

I am so sorry you are going through this and he is very lucky to have you.
His pain is being inadequately treated. Unfortunately once somatic pain changes to neuropathic pain, there are really no drugs on the market that are actually effective other than THC. Pain control physicians usually try to deal with this by leaning heavily on the anti-depressants (which he could use right now), unfortunately for around the first 6 weeks these can cause suicidal ideation as well. So if they start up an anti-depressant he needs closely watched.

Are you in a medical state? Because it's only 'quasi' illegal then. I'd go with him to his pain control specialist and make sure they know what is up. I'd also suggest Marijuana to the physician and see if you can get his sub rosa cooperation. You need to bring your dad information on Marijuana for pain control. Guilt him a little bit about being dead and leaving you guys because of the government's baseless intractability etc........

If he completely refuses to try Marijuana, see if you can get his pain control physician to write him for Marinol. That will help some with the neuropathic pain. It is THC and it is legal. It doesn't have the full cannabinoid profile that plants have but it's better than nothing.

I am so sorry you are going through this and he is very lucky to have you.

As usual the lady makes sense.
My thoughts to you Balzac - you are definitely in a Tight Spot.
Listen to the brains on here - they will not steer you wrong.
These 'god making animal' tweets crack me up. Here are my favs -

[god creating jellyfish]
how bout an evil bag?

When God made raccoons he was like do you want to be an old timey burglar or a trash digger? Too slow. You're both now.

[inventing the parrot]

[god creating bees]
Put a needle on its butt.
“Come on God, wha—“
Make its puke delicious.

[god creating animals]
ok this ones got a long throat
make it literally just a throat
oh and give it a face
call it a snake

[god inventing horses]
make a sexy donkey

[god making bats]
GOD: just like a hairy black potato with wings
ANGEL: god?
GOD: also it sleeps upside down like an idiot

[god creating whales]
"I want a fat blue piece of shit with a 20ft dick and it sings underwater. Also get me a beer. No wait five beers"

[God inventing the hippo]
How bout a fat horse that's always trying to sneak up on you in a pool

[creating octopus]
GOD: Give it 8 super strong arms & hands
ANGEL: uh, we're out of bones..
GOD: 8 weird floppy arms w/ suction cup things

[God creating a turkey]
God: Make it like a shitty brown peacock...
Animal technician: Anything else?
God: Hang a nut-sack on it's face lol
Animal technician: Smh...

[God creating platypuses]
God: This is my best work. Yes, Karen I am high, but that has nothing to do with it. This is perfect. Send it out.

And my personal favorite -

[god making pandas]
GOD: cow bears
ANGEL: what?
GOD: did i fucking stutter?
ANGEL: ...
GOD: take it a cow and make it a bear
His pain is being inadequately treated. Unfortunately once somatic pain changes to neuropathic pain, there are really no drugs on the market that are actually effective other than THC. Pain control physicians usually try to deal with this by leaning heavily on the anti-depressants (which he could use right now), unfortunately for around the first 6 weeks these can cause suicidal ideation as well. So if they start up an anti-depressant he needs closely watched.

Are you in a medical state? Because it's only 'quasi' illegal then. I'd go with him to his pain control specialist and make sure they know what is up. I'd also suggest Marijuana to the physician and see if you can get his sub rosa cooperation. You need to bring your dad information on Marijuana for pain control. Guilt him a little bit about being dead and leaving you guys because of the government's baseless intractability etc........

If he completely refuses to try Marijuana, see if you can get his pain control physician to write him for Marinol. That will help some with the neuropathic pain. It is THC and it is legal. It doesn't have the full cannabinoid profile that plants have but it's better than nothing.

I am so sorry you are going through this and he is very lucky to have you.

this right here.......it's a heavy situation to deal with. keep an eye on your own emotions too while this is going on. all you can do is your best. keep a good thought as best you can
You know for awhile I was under the impression that my dad was getting better. He wasn't, I was just focusing on my own life and ignoring his problems. Today I had probably the longest discussion I've ever had with him about his life and how he feels. It's nothing I've not heard before. He went a little deeper and told me about he spent all his time trying to impress his father. When in reality his father was a piece of shit who beat his wife and fucked his best friends wife. His dad also killed family pets on purpose to punish the children.

My dad has this deep depression that he has had his whole life. He's still in pain management taking heavy narcotics related to a work related fall. He fell off a three story building and landed standing up which shattered his legs. That was nearly 18 years ago and he still has constant nerve pain. He told me today he is tired and he's done.

He does not want to suffer anymore. He told me that he wouldn't kill himself in the house or in his vehicles. He also told me that he recently tried to overdose himself when he was in the hospital, but obviously that's a hard thing to do when you are on monitors. I knew it was strange when he un-racked his gun collection and bagged them up, put them under the bed.

I talked to him as long as I could and now he just isn't sleeping anymore. He just seems like he is done. I really don't know what to do or how to handle it. I mean one side of me feels like it's his decision and if he is obviously suffering that maybe his best out. I don't want him to go, but ultimately that's not my choice. I'm not a person to cry or try to burden others with my problems, but typing it on here seems to be my only real out. This isn't any elses problem.

No one but me and my father known that he recently tried to kill himself. I'm not sure if I should tell the rest of my family or if I'll feel guilty if he does kill himself. He's the one suffering not me. I know it will cause pain for my family, but should he continue to suffer so we can hold off the inevitable.
Oh man that's rough. It sounds from you post that you have a pretty healthy perspective and a correct understanding of his problem. That said, do you have any siblings you could share this with that are as non judgmental as you are? That's a lot to carry for just one man. You need some face to face support. My heart is with you on this. I watch my own father suffer with a very painful illness for the last 23 years of his life. I know in a way what you're going through. There just isn't a handbook for this shit. HUGS

PS I think you are helping him more than you realize by just listening. You're being a good son. Keep letting him know and showing him that you care.
Oh man that's rough. It sounds from you post that you have a pretty healthy perspective and a correct understanding of his problem. That said, do you have any siblings you could share this with that are as non judgmental as you are? That's a lot to carry for just one man. You need some face to face support. My heart is with you on this. I watch my own father suffer with a very painful illness for the last 23 years of his life. I know in a way what you're going through. There just isn't a handbook for this shit. HUGS

PS I think you are helping him more than you realize by just listening. You're being a good son. Keep letting him know and showing him that you care.

I came to the realization awhile ago that he really is a stubborn person. I've tried to help him make better decisions, but he just seems to stick to the ones he made a long time ago. Like he made up his mind and that's the end of it.

He's unwilling to do almost anything to get help besides go to the hospital when he can't handle the pain anymore.
He won't quit smoking cigarettes, he won't stop eating junk food and meat. He won't seek any kind of professional help. I want to make it routine to stop and talk to him at least once a day.
I came to the realization awhile ago that he really is a stubborn person. I've tried to help him make better decisions, but he just seems to stick to the ones he made a long time ago. Like he made up his mind and that's the end of it.

He's unwilling to do almost anything to get help besides go to the hospital when he can't handle the pain anymore.
He won't quit smoking cigarettes, he won't stop eating junk food and meat. He won't seek any kind of professional help. I want to make it routine to stop and talk to him at least once a day.
All you can do is love him then and enjoy him for whatever time he has left. He is very lucky to have you. Find ways to keep yourself strong.
His pain is being inadequately treated. Unfortunately once somatic pain changes to neuropathic pain, there are really no drugs on the market that are actually effective other than THC. Pain control physicians usually try to deal with this by leaning heavily on the anti-depressants (which he could use right now), unfortunately for around the first 6 weeks these can cause suicidal ideation as well. So if they start up an anti-depressant he needs closely watched.

Are you in a medical state? Because it's only 'quasi' illegal then. I'd go with him to his pain control specialist and make sure they know what is up. I'd also suggest Marijuana to the physician and see if you can get his sub rosa cooperation. You need to bring your dad information on Marijuana for pain control. Guilt him a little bit about being dead and leaving you guys because of the government's baseless intractability etc........

If he completely refuses to try Marijuana, see if you can get his pain control physician to write him for Marinol. That will help some with the neuropathic pain. It is THC and it is legal. It doesn't have the full cannabinoid profile that plants have but it's better than nothing.

I am so sorry you are going through this and he is very lucky to have you.

He says he does not want to burden me. He knows I go to class full time and still work.
He really emotionally wrecked me on Saturday.

I've tried to help him.
My siblings have all taken off. The closest one lives an hour away. The other lives in Boston.

They will take money from my parents, but they aren't around when they need them.

Biggest difference between me and my siblings is I never asked my parents for anything and I've always been the one who they rely on.