Random Jibber Jabber Thread

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I read several of Corbett's books in my younger years also & you're right, they are at the top of the food chain in their environment.
Saw a documentary a while back about wood cutters in India (I think) - they wore masks on the backs of their heads as a tiger supposedly does not prefer a frontal attack.
And they call lions kings of the jungle? Watch a tiger for 6 months.......youll see they are the true KINGS/QUEENS.
That is an awesome rifle!

I've always had a "thing" for doubles, but alas cannot scratch up the ass load of zero's it takes to have a really nice one, but I did pick up one of these from Cabelas in .58 several years back.
With 120 gr of black powder and a 510 gr Lyman hard cast slug it'll let you know what for.
Edit: Twice!! :wink:

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Ive heard shoulder dislocations hurt!!!
Ive heard shoulder dislocations hurt!!!

The kick of a black powder big bore is more like a mildly violent shove rather than a "kick" as the powder burns considerably slower and makes it a progressive push rather than a sharp whack.
Plus it is a double rifle, so it weigh's more than half again what a single rifle would in the same caliber thus further dampening the recoil.
Damn, it has been almost an entire year since one of my best friends died suddenly but fairly predictably. Going back home for a little send off. Literally.

If you see one of those Chinese hot air balloons come down near you Monday or Tuesday, and it has some grey powder taped to it. Well, it's not not worth snorting.

Just saying.
Thats funny that you mention that I just got off trail about a week ago and came home.
I got to New Hampshire and the lack of water, heat and general attitude of other hikers was leading to bad vibes.

I almost got in a fist fight in the middle of the night as some people are so disrespectful.

Do you have one of those cool hiking nicknames?

My buddy has the Appalachian trail on his bucket list - has like 150 miles to go to finish and tells me that a bunch of hardcore AT'ers have them.
Do you have one of those cool hiking nicknames?

My buddy has the Appalachian trail on his bucket list - has like 150 miles to go to finish and tells me that a bunch of hardcore AT'ers have them.

I take a new name every time I set foot on the trail. Dreams was my most recent name.

It's an interesting tradition for long distance hikers. "Trail Names"