Random Jibber Jabber Thread


We clearly need more abstinence education in this country.
I will not discuss what passes for medical care today. No I will not.

Good morning everyone, looks like rain today. How is it in your neck of the woods?
Mornin' doll, yep rain later today, overcast at the moment. At least it wasn't 32 deg this a.m
That is a very good since I left my Kaffir lime tree out again! Last time I tossed her in with the pot plants she gave them all scale, so she can't mix in general population and has to depend on my lousy memory, poor plant. I Malathioned the shit out her too. Not a bit of scale showing but bring her indoors and within 2 weeks everyone is sporting scale.
That is a very good since I left my Kaffir lime tree out again! Last time I tossed her in with the pot plants she gave them all scale, so she can't mix in general population and has to depend on my lousy memory, poor plant. I Malathioned the shit out her too. Not a bit of scale showing but bring her indoors and within 2 weeks everyone is sporting scale.
My daughter's boyfriend gave me a J1 clone to nurse back to health...the dumbass was growing it in the kitchen under a 100W incandescent and it was pathetic. Like an idiot, I didn't really check it out well...long story short, I've contaminated my clone chamber, vegging tent and greenhouse with thrips and aphids
My daughter's boyfriend gave me a J1 clone to nurse back to health...the dumbass was growing it in the kitchen under a 100W incandescent and it was pathetic. Like an idiot, I didn't really check it out well...long story short, I've contaminated my clone chamber, vegging tent and greenhouse with thrips and aphids
Oh shit! I have to go downstairs to answer you but it is worth it. At least he wasn't using the new LED tech.
I will not discuss what passes for medical care today. No I will not.

Good morning everyone, looks like rain today. How is it in your neck of the woods?
Today was @sunni and about 50 degrees. In less than a week most of the snow is gone - except for the really big piles. The weather is nice and people re running around in t-shirts but the city looks like hell. Four months of dog shit and litter - everywhere. Soon the rains will come. Then flowers. Daffodils first, then tulips.

The sparrows are making a fuss upside the bedroom window with their new babies. Our babies like to watch them and listen to them. One of our babies wants to eat them too.
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That is a very good since I left my Kaffir lime tree out again! Last time I tossed her in with the pot plants she gave them all scale, so she can't mix in general population and has to depend on my lousy memory, poor plant. I Malathioned the shit out her too. Not a bit of scale showing but bring her indoors and within 2 weeks everyone is sporting scale.

Man how fucked up are the limes on that thing? They look like big nasty green Hulk testicles to me. I don't know, I thought I'd like it more than I do. More Meyer lemons for me, maybe time to 86 the kaffir.
These two shots are for @UncleBuck and @abandonconflict.

You know political suicide isn't painless when you leave everyone in pain. Two shots will never go down the same.

So, this beatings for @bushleaguer for ultimate devotion. For your mind of my own, bring out your dead. Sedated flatulated. You were the one most loved and hated. Thanks for all that carpet, and your love.

Well, this patron's for @Singlemalt, and this lagger is for @see4, and these doses are for @Blue Wizard, and this fix is for @Dyna Ryda. This ritalin is for @schuylaar. And, this speedball is for @chewberto. This nitrous hit is for @sunni and my best friend @Padawanbater2.

This bowl is for my mom, for drinking more than I did. For posting bail for me in New York. And, in Hollywood that first time, and that joint we smoked was the worst time. Because doing drugs with parents is just wrong....
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