Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Now don't do that... That would be a "Knee Jerk" reaction to the problem...
Some of us like to read your random jibber even if there is to much jabber....
Carry on....

Fukk it's cold... -12 on wake... WTF I love it...
Like This???? No... I love it!
It's a most beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have the next few days off and just put on another pot of coffee.

Hope it doesn't stay so quiet here.

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Yes precisely! The likes were bookmarks, agreement and reminders! They were shorthand for all the thank you and me too posts that usually clog huge forums and reduce the noise to signal ratio.

Oh well more noise works in our favor, so let's get started on the me too and thank you posts now! HA!

I've already posted more today than I sometimes do in a week. This might not be a bad thing.


Me too

Thank you ;D

Oh and next time I warn everyone the likes are going down please don't tell me to refresh my browser LOL (told you so) <-- see I would have normally used a like for an I told you so! A software malfunction right when I'm getting hit with the flu/cold. This could not be worse for you guys. You may just want to put me on ignore prophylactically so to speak.

+rep denied

I post too much anyway. Maybe the lack of like will make me post less

looks like the "like" counts in profile disappeared as well?

That makes sense, if the Like feature is turned off you shouldn't see any traces. Keeps the wildlife calm.

awww. gargle with salt water c2g. it makes you feel better.


Thank you! that is a great idea. Problem is I can't get the damn elephant that's sitting on my chest to GET THE FUCK OFF! I need an elephant handler STAT!

Reads '%20' as character

Now don't do that... That would be a "Knee Jerk" reaction to the problem...
Some of us like to read your random jibber even if there is to much jabber....
Carry on....

Fukk it's cold... -12 on wake... WTF I love it...
Like This???? No... I love it!
It's a most beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hell yea!........


I have the next few days off and just put on another pot of coffee.

Hope it doesn't stay so quiet here.

damn nice cola

sucks about the power situation lahada...hope they get it fixed asap. Our power went out for over a week a few years ago.........that was bad




agreed, me too and thank you

I really like this post

Forgot I made coffee 45 minutes ago, score.

Where was MY warning? :-(

That's when I posted up last night, when I saw that the counts were gone.

Yep. Now, why'd you break it?

Don't worry, some of us will be here. ;-)

Coffee and weed, essentials in life.

View attachment 2978070

Poor poor rollitup.org too high to function properly.

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I knew something didn't seem right thought the ganj was playin games with my cerebrum.

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Pastor's wife is in the Hospital recovering from a hip replacement.. he's has been in Fresno since Monday.. he called me last night asked if I wouldn't mind watching his puppy
while he was there today.. explained how he just got a puppy and has not had really any time to bond with it or play with the puppy since then..

would I mind.. lol... I get to play with a puppy!! who hates that.... ohhhhhhh and she still has puppy breath too..

kinda worried about how Gretchen would react.. but.. this puppy holds her own with all the dogs..





she's playing hide and seek with them




the day can only get better!

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Sure, the feature disappears then you start liking shit. :razz:
