Ursus marijanus
Yea fuck this no like bullshit.
Fuck it I'm gonna smoke another bowl and go install my new carbon filter, fix your shit riu.
While your at it fix the pic uploader to!
Like. .....
Yea fuck this no like bullshit.
Fuck it I'm gonna smoke another bowl and go install my new carbon filter, fix your shit riu.
While your at it fix the pic uploader to!
Personally I enjoyed that aspect of these boards, there are times where my quieter side emerges and writing a lengthy reply/retort just isn't in me, clicking that button allowed me to convey my thoughts without the need of spell check.
My guess is I'll just post "dude" with aas my reply when I like a post.
Yeah, same here. Some days I've gone without posting but I'm still here and people know through the likes.
Guess I'll have to spread some rep love around.
Was going to suggest Bodhi's Goji OG - but it was out of stock for a while - but it IS in stock. Great yield and it makes you post a lot.
Made me feel special seeing the notification thingy. I've been looking up at it all morning and saw nothing.
Is it a glitch or are we being collectively spanked for something?
Guess they couldn't fix it so they just eliminated it. Hopefully it's temporary.
Site seems to be a bit faster. Anyone else notice anything different?
No bullshit I was going to post the same thing. Was looking for it with the cursor.
Like. .....Yes precisely! The likes were bookmarks, agreement and reminders! They were shorthand for all the thank you and me too posts that usually clog huge forums and reduce the noise to signal ratio.
Oh well more noise works in our favor, so let's get started on the me too and thank you posts now! HA!
I've already posted more today than I sometimes do in a week. This might not be a bad thing.
Me too
Thank you ;D
Oh and next time I warn everyone the likes are going down please don't tell me to refresh my browser LOL (told you so) <-- see I would have normally used a like for an I told you so! A software malfunction right when I'm getting hit with the flu/cold. This could not be worse for you guys. You may just want to put me on ignore prophylactically so to speak.
So to clarify are you in the camp for flogging the database or against flogging the database?
I post too much anyway. Maybe the lack of like will make me post less