Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Time to go home! Just been chilling with friends. Amnesia Haze and Channel + :bigjoint:

What a great looking place. Even your grow is all Euro n shit. Like there should be four little strippers bumpin and grinding on it.

This club looks wonderful. But why you gotta go all Tupac onit? Why? What is the fascination with cast off American culture? Get out your DuChamps, your Man Rays, your Dalii.

Sorry to be a dick. But I gots ta know.
Shieet, i dnt think she'll be driving til shes like 30. Shes not the most coordinated kid. But by then she better be payin for my car repairs. Shes gonna be rich as hell so i dnt think ill need to help her with $$
financial advisor ;)

like....no no silly, don't put so much in that "account" lol

Dude I'm stoned and couldn't think of that word so I put supporter lmao! Thanx for filling in my blank homie:)

i have 4 scales around the house so if I'm anywhere I can check what I'm doing. Not saying I don't hook it up or anything like that but I want to know how much I'm hooking up not hear them b like...dude I only paid 35 bucks and got a quarter. Business wise that can hurt you annually.
Dude I'm stoned and couldn't think of that word so I put supporter lmao! Thanx for filling in my blank homie:)

i have 4 scales around the house so if I'm anywhere I can check what I'm doing. Not saying I don't hook it up or anything like that but I want to know how much I'm hooking up not hear them b like...dude I only paid 35 bucks and got a quarter. Business wise that can hurt you annually.

I'm curious how the prices are set. I know it wasn't just cuz I was the white dude in the hood. But when I shut my grow down, and started buying a 200 dollar ounce was stupid, way too expensive, average was closer to 150. From grower, or from guy that bought from grower. Here, where it's medically legal, I've got a steal of a deal getting an ounce from local grower for 200. If I buy in quarters, it's 60. When I was in MN, it was normally 35-45. I don't understand why, in a state that's decrim, but not even medical it was almost half the price as here, and why, in CO, from the legal shops it's twice as expensive as here.
I'm curious how the prices are set. I know it wasn't just cuz I was the white dude in the hood. But when I shut my grow down, and started buying a 200 dollar ounce was stupid, way too expensive, average was closer to 150. From grower, or from guy that bought from grower. Here, where it's medically legal, I've got a steal of a deal getting an ounce from local grower for 200. If I buy in quarters, it's 60. When I was in MN, it was normally 35-45. I don't understand why, in a state that's decrim, but not even medical it was almost half the price as here, and why, in CO, from the legal shops it's twice as expensive as here.

Spike in demand, people don't have to visit shaggy the drug dealer to get pot anymore. They're willing to pay a premium for that.
I'm curious how the prices are set. I know it wasn't just cuz I was the white dude in the hood. But when I shut my grow down, and started buying a 200 dollar ounce was stupid, way too expensive, average was closer to 150. From grower, or from guy that bought from grower. Here, where it's medically legal, I've got a steal of a deal getting an ounce from local grower for 200. If I buy in quarters, it's 60. When I was in MN, it was normally 35-45. I don't understand why, in a state that's decrim, but not even medical it was almost half the price as here, and why, in CO, from the legal shops it's twice as expensive as here.

time n effort comes into effect.Something most "patients"-never consider