Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
How many people are going to be asking "Where's Neo?" in like 3 weeks?
in a month they'll be saying WHO'S NEO?...psych just kidding. i'm lookin forward to lots of pix really. its the closest i'll ever make it to china...well untill they repo our country that is.


Well-Known Member
damn bro, You are going for two months? You will be missed.
I know it's Communist but surely Neo would have some Internet access over there!! Lol
China probably has marijuana on its filtered out website list.

I'll only be gone for 5 weeks but the way my bills work out I'll be missing 2 cycles for alot of them. The censors probably do block this site out but vpn's are huge in China. But I ain't going to no Beijing or nothing. My wife's city got their first internet cafe a month before we went out the last time. And it was a membership only cafe. Her friend had a membership and I went with her 1 time. It was kind of awkward. 200 Chinese people staring at me while I was trying to email my folks. For 99% of the people in my wife's city I was the only American they've ever seen. Or probably ever will see. So they unabashedly stared. Last time we were there for 3 weeks for our wedding and super busy. This time we're there for 5 weeks to show off the baby and celebrate Chinese New Years. Lots of downtime for me with not being the main attraction this go round. My wife's older brother drives a cab and is pretty much my designated chauffer. I hope to be nowhere near internet the majority of this trip.

My wife's province. #nofilter



Well-Known Member
I know this is going to make a couple of you chuckle.


Well-Known Member
You have much to learn young Jedi
Then you should be all over this :)
Six day underwear has three leg holes.

1. Wear for day one
2. Rotate using the unused leg hole and wear for day two
3. Rotate in the same direction by one leg hole and wear for day three
4. Turn underwear inside out
5. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 for days four, five, and six.


Ursus marijanus
Then you should be all over this :)
Six day underwear has three leg holes.

1. Wear for day one
2. Rotate using the unused leg hole and wear for day two
3. Rotate in the same direction by one leg hole and wear for day three
4. Turn underwear inside out
5. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 for days four, five, and six.
No more racing stripes ... we make shapes like this!!



Well-Known Member
I am a gun owner and am not for "gun control" legislation, but this item shows such bad taste I had to post it somewhere.......

PORTLAND – The Multnomah County Republican Party announced Monday plans to raffle off an AR-15 assault-style rifle to celebrate slain American icons Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.


Ursus marijanus
I am a gun owner and am not for "gun control" legislation, but this item shows such bad taste I had to post it somewhere.......

PORTLAND – The Multnomah County Republican Party announced Monday plans to raffle off an AR-15 assault-style rifle to celebrate slain American icons Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.
Is it black? ~giggling, ducking~

<edit> should have gone with this:
No; it's totally appropriate. it is black and free.


Well-Known Member
I am a gun owner and am not for "gun control" legislation, but this item shows such bad taste I had to post it somewhere.......

PORTLAND &#8211; The Multnomah County Republican Party announced Monday plans to raffle off an AR-15 assault-style rifle to celebrate slain American icons Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.
Goddamn the 2 republicans in Portland making us all look bad