Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Yea man some mother fukin' orange marmalade up in this piece. Sweet orange tang. That last sentence reminds me of when I used to bang a chick that tanned too much.:hump:

Edit: marmalade is a fruit preserve with some peel and juice of citrus in it.


Well-Known Member
Yea man some mother fukin' orange marmalade up in this piece. Sweet orange tang. That last sentence reminds me of when I used to bang a chick that tanned too much.:hump:
Reminds me of this chick I used to date that washed with coconut soap or something.:mrgreen:
Back when we were right out of high school, she used to be a Coppertone girl.


Well-Known Member
Hell ya I got PBJ, Grape and raspberry jelly. I even keep orange marmalade in the house like an old white lady.
grape is all i need... u know.. cus im black.

so u got some lemon haze crossed with ww.xBb and pbj. i got the chocomilk and summa this pineapple thai. all we need is some bad bitches and we can get this shit crackin!


Well-Known Member
Yea man some mother fukin' orange marmalade up in this piece. Sweet orange tang. That last sentence reminds me of when I used to bang a chick that tanned too much.:hump:

Edit: marmalade is a fruit preserve with some peel and juice of citrus in it.
i banged a chick with orange hair once.. she smelled like shame


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone? What an evening. Enjoyed hitting on some of the nurses that work for my mom and buying my underage sister beers. They had some pretty good food there too.


Well-Known Member
The only pill I take is the occasional ibuprofren for pain in my knees, my wife says I should stop with the handsprings and such. The kid loves it too much to stop though lol. I did have to take some antibiotics once last year for the first time in 5 years. I've even mostly given up alcohol.


Well-Known Member
The only pill I take is the occasional ibuprofren for pain in my knees, my wife says I should stop with the handsprings and such. The kid loves it too much to stop though lol. I did have to take some antibiotics once last year for the first time in 5 years. I've even mostly given up alcohol.
I call that goin' hippie. You a veggie yet? My hair's almost back to my shoulders...


Well-Known Member
Rise and shine fuckers! Time to get to work on the house!

Oh well I love doing this shit. Have a great day guys!


Well-Known Member
Man my dog just ate my headphones for my phone. Guess I'm off to get some more. He was eating plant stems on the bed, I threw the headphones there and he found them

