I wonder if Minnesotans see this as the Random Yibber Yabber thread. cn
^^ That about sums up life.. Or maybe I'm just too high?
ok peelin potatoes tonight i put the bag of potatoes i just bought on the counter and one went flying out of the bag, looks like thebag was already open BUT IT WASNT. so i now think theres aghost in my new place
I don't think I tell you this enough, neer, I love you.Beer, pizza, high. Trifecta. Enjoy without limits. cn
If I ever seen her out in public,I would walk right pass her ass,won't even acknowlege her.Beyonce is so fuckin basic
Funny how she is so famous we even acknowledge her as somebody we wouldn't akncowledge eh?If I ever seen her out in public,I would walk right pass her ass,won't even acknowlege her.
Funny how she is so famous we even acknowledge her as somebody we wouldn't akncowledge eh?
And to your above posts, you're a fucking genius man!!