Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Thanks for the suggestions. Im interested in these ona buckets as well. How exactly do they work and would one at the top of the stairs do the trick? If someone wants to link me to a thread with all these answers so im not clogging up this thread i would gladely follow it.
That Molly was bomb, still feeling it today at work took two test drives so far one customer caught me playing with the suade swishing it one way and the other drawing with it
Cops were knocking on doors, looking for the reggae and strong smell of weed last night. I watched them come into the building, heard the dog go nuts (everyone I mean 100% of the apartments here are occupied by smokers.) They get to my floor, I see 'em in my security camera (of course I've got cameras...) The new guy walks over to knock, the other cop says "Nah, that's that crazy Indian couple. They'd have some drums or some shit"

So, I turned the reggae down and opened a couple windows anyway.
Cops were knocking on doors, looking for the reggae and strong smell of weed last night. I watched them come into the building, heard the dog go nuts (everyone I mean 100% of the apartments here are occupied by smokers.) They get to my floor, I see 'em in my security camera (of course I've got cameras...) The new guy walks over to knock, the other cop says "Nah, that's that crazy Indian couple. They'd have some drums or some shit"

So, I turned the reggae down and opened a couple windows anyway.
mrs sunnyboy and i went fishing one night last week. we went to a spot where the sign says "park closed dusk to dawn". so we're sitting there with our lines in the water, i just smoked a joint and here comes a deputy sheriff. the car pulls in and mrs sunnyboy says relax, they will just tell us to leave. i said you need to play dumb if they find this weed. it's mine and you didn't know about it. so finally after running our plates the deputy walks out to the pier. low and behold a gorgeous female deputy emerges from out of the darkness. i giggled a little bit as she walked over to us. it was chilly that night and we both had tooks and hoodies on so she probably thought we were guys as she had her hand on her holstered weapon. we put our hoods down as she came closer and you could see her relax when she saw we were women. she asked who the owner of the truck was and when mrs said it was hers the cop asked her birthdate lol. cop says park is closed. i said oh sorry i thought it was ok to night fish here. she says we like to keep this area clear at night as the kids come out here and do drugs. i said that's cool we can pack up and leave. she said no that's ok, you guys have everything set up, stay and enjoy yourselves, i will just make a note that i allowed you to stay so another deputy doesn't have to come out and check you guys tonight. this is where she turned and walked back off the pier, got into her car and drove off. followed by me sparking up another joint. it pays to look innocent (or look like that crazy indian couple) :eyesmoke:
Nice... We're the only "white" people in the building, and one of three "white" couples in the complex. Last summer, we're all standing around outside smoking a couple blunts, someone started throwing rocks at the old crack head and the cops were called. They came out, I snuffed the blunt and lit a cigarette. Cop flashes his light over everyone and to us, and then does it a couple more times, finally says "Um, do you two live around here?" The boss lady says, in her best hood voice "That's racial profiling, asshole, what's your badge number?" He stuttered something and just walked away. I think that's when we got the title "those crazy Indians."

I love livin' in the hood, I'm an exemplary citizen around here! You and the misses played that one very nicely.
Turn for the worst here at the lot, I'm now 100% sober and feeling quite hungover. My girl is binging me some of what's left for another dab or seven. Stay tuned this should get interesting
my head hurts, I can't drink like I used to. Gotta get some yard work done before the basketball games tonight.
my head hurts, I can't drink like I used to. Gotta get some yard work done before the basketball games tonight.

First get high...
Next : Bottle of Gatorade, a few glasses of water and a fried egg sandwich will cure most hangovers :)

Don't forget to take a few advil

Also a hat and sunglasses will keep that bitch called the sun out of your eyes ;)
Reporting live from the trunk of a maxima, I think I may have overdone it I just have to avoid people for an hour and I'm all set ... Your guys ever seen the image on those safety latches to get out of a trunk.. It basically says pull this, hop out and run like you have been shoved in a trunk haha it's awesome... I am still taking sales calls tho in my little trunk space office
A dispensary owner that had been keeping money and bud in the same safe found that the money picked up the smell of the bud and when he took the money to the bank they would not take his money.
Reporting live from the trunk of a maxima, I think I may have overdone it I just have to avoid people for an hour and I'm all set ... Your guys ever seen the image on those safety latches to get out of a trunk.. It basically says pull this, hop out and run like you have been shoved in a trunk haha it's awesome... I am still taking sales calls tho in my little trunk space office

hahaha, I know the Yaris has that.. and can also unlock the back seats and push forward too, if memory serves.
A dispensary owner that had been keeping money and bud in the same safe found that the money picked up the smell of the bud and when he took the money to the bank they would not take his money.

Wow, a whole new level of retarded - to fix that, 5 bounce dryer sheets per 5k of 20s works lovely on medium heat for 30 minutes in the dryer.. or so I'm told.
It's my daughter's B-day party tomorrow(turns 9) and there's going to be like 20 screaming girls running around. I need some place to hide for the day.
It's my daughter's B-day party tomorrow(turns 9) and there's going to be like 20 screaming girls running around. I need some place to hide for the day.

Grow room, obvious answer.. you have tons of things to do in there, like check out your ladies and not be harassed by 20 kids. :D