Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Ursus marijanus
bookmarked and ready for action. :p

Thanks again. I didn't even start to think about figuring out how to purchase a new one. I've been too busy with staunching the damn blood flow. It sure is an ugly cut.
My son was here this past weekend. I had a semicomical run of minor accidents yesterday. Among them - I had a nice blaze going in the burn drum when I [mumbled words] DROPPED my good Felco pruners into the fire! I tried to go for them with the shovel i had handy, and only managed to push them into the lively coals. So i RAN to retrieve an oven mitt, RAN back, and in one determined motion swooped grabbed withdrew ... and got him laughing at my suddenly hairless arm. The burn on my biceps was fairly mild, considering.
I took the poor smoking Felcos to the kitchen sink, where a Scotch-Brite forgave most of the soot on the metal, but the vinyl handles are in ruins. While frantically scrubbing the blades, I moved my thumb wrong, and the blade bit deep. (I keep them damned sharp.) The youngin could report that he heard me say what I did: "oh this day JUST keeps getting BETTER!" Am i glad I don't have the impulse to swear an ultraviolet streak around the youngins.

My thumb looks like a grinning catfish. cn

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
He's an old cowboy. Rode the rodeo circuit until he damaged his back. He is stubborn, stoic, and hard as nails. I spent my whole life trying not to disappoint him. This is a man who never once laid his hand on me in anger. Never. He hated physical punishment. He said some ranch hands treat their livestock better than their own family. His disappointment was devastating. He taught by example. He never had us do anything he wasn't willing to do himself. If it was bad enough he would join in (mucking out pig pens, chicken pens, stable, etc.) He worked hard but always had time for us. He loved taking us camping. He refused to let us read or listen to music while on a trip. He said there was enough to take in just looking through the window. He was right. We were never allowed to be in our rooms or on our beds during daylight hours. He kept us busy. He was never abusive with us or mom in any way. Just a good man living a good life. He is well respected in the community. Even at 80 people still stop by to visit and ask his advice. It's been hard with his Alzheimer's but the visitors sure help. :)
Thats my dad bro.....a rugged, hard as nails old cowboy....I ruined my back bronc and bull riding....maybe sometimes you see my posts talking about taking horse trips into the wilderness....thats my dad...he is in his 80s to. Im sorry to hear about the Alzheimer's....that totally sucks. Your descripyion of him sounded like my dad...except for he did boot us in the ass from time to time....Eh...I'm ok with it....a little fire on the Keister sometimes is a great motivater....

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
My son was here this past weekend. I had a semicomical run of minor accidents yesterday. Among them - I had a nice blaze going in the burn drum when I [mumbled words] DROPPED my good Felco pruners into the fire! I tried to go for them with the shovel i had handy, and only managed to push them into the lively coals. So i RAN to retrieve an oven mitt, RAN back, and in one determined motion swooped grabbed withdrew ... and got him laughing at my suddenly hairless arm. The burn on my biceps was fairly mild, considering.
I took the poor smoking Felcos to the kitchen sink, where a Scotch-Brite forgave most of the soot on the metal, but the vinyl handles are in ruins. While frantically scrubbing the blades, I moved my thumb wrong, and the blade bit deep. (I keep them damned sharp.) The youngin could report that he heard me say what I did: "oh this day JUST keeps getting BETTER!" Am i glad I don't have the impulse to swear an ultraviolet streak around the youngins.

My thumb looks like a grinning catfish. cn
I love spending time with my kids....now I have grand babies....I cant wait to start teaching them to love the Ranch....cant wait!!! My oldest daughter was home for the weekend and she was recounting her very first turkey hunt with yours truly...she was 10....she said ..." dad told me to walk light through the woods...and I kept making so much noise and I just kept thinking...how does this giant of a man walk so quiet through the forest " Funny how she remembered that....20 years later....

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
my dad is a complete smart ass and prankster.

wonder where i get my genes from, because i'm nothing like that.
LOL.....Glad your not in denyal!!! LOL Its amazing how much we pick up from our parents....I remember one time I was mad at my dad and I said to myself...I'll never be like my dad.....then one day I was all grown up and was shaving in front of the mirror just thinking about things and I stopped as I looked at myself in the mirror and said..." My God....I have turned inro my DAD!!!" no lie bro....

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I find my myself saying things my mom says all the time. And my mom says I am very particular about things just like my dad.

You spend so many of your teen years trying to be different, and the moment you stop... BAM!


Well-Known Member
My dad is anal over details.

My mom is funny and a fighter.
I see where you get both sides...

Dad side = you focus on the plants, astute observations, immediate focus and attention to fix
Mom side = the comedy you interject, and how if challenged you'll go to blows


Well-Known Member
woah woah woah!

Did not mean it that way. Was talking about the pot smoking.

I have had girlfriends in the past and gay guy friends. If it makes them happy then let them be.

Only one time I tried to talk a dude out of sleeping with another dude. And that was because he was totally using him and was leading the guy on.

Everyone has to follow their own path. Cept for assholes that piss on others path like the afore mentioned dude.
*Giggles* I love her! I just friggin love her to DEATH! We have PMed but i'd like to explain to others - I was only referencing my disappointed and offense with my own church, because i'd attended so long and I thought they'd be happier for me than they were. What I got, instead, was the cold shoulder and people repeating "We like to think of ourselves as 'gay tolerant'". Like they were trying to convince me they thought of me completely differently after. But! It was just like a...my story for yours. I don't for a second believe Flaming to be anything but sweet. So. Just clarifying.