Random Jibber Jabber Thread

It's 91 degrees out past 7pm. WTF??? It seems unnatural to me to be above 85 when the sun is not shining. I bought a shitload of groceries so I wouldn't have to go out all week, and cabin fever is likely to settle in. By the time this weather breaks I fear I'll be quite insane...

I've got the opposite problem.
Forcast for tommorow:
High = 60
Low = 49

WTF??? Summer solstice is a week away!
@Gary Goodson sorry dude i haven't been around much lately, but did you buy this new house you moving into?
Im buying the one we are in now and taking over payments on the new one. I'm gonna try to hold both places down.

MIL is old and cant afford it anymore. It's a 4 bedroom and its just her so she offered it to us with only 11 years left on it:hump: I did break her off a couple of G's though.
Im buying the one we are in now and taking over payments on the new one. I'm gonna try to hold both places down.

MIL is old and cant afford it anymore. It's a 4 bedroom and its just her so she offered it to us with only 11 years left on it:hump: I did break her off a couple of G's though.
countdown to foreclosure begins!
A few years ago my wife and I went to big sur. On the way up highway 1 a major landslide shut the both lanes down and we were diverted east into the hills for a detour. We lost all reception and ended up getting lost in some place called king city.

After getting some shifty glances and faulty directions from the locals we somehow ended up at the entrance of a military base called fort hunter-ligget, which was in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. We had lost hours of time and it was getting dark.

The guards at the gate seemed pissed we were there. They told us, "you need to drive straight down that road as fast as you safely can. They darker it gets the worse."

I drove as fast as I could, not quite sure why we were warned. The road turned dirt and suddenly it was a single lane logging road I. The mountains above big sur. No guard rails and the steepest furthest drops I've ever seen in my life. By this time it was dark and learned what the term "white knuckle" means. We finally descended onto highway one were literally cheering that we didn't die.

That night we went to a small local bar right next to our hotel. We drank and made friends with some hippie type couple and talked with them for awhile. I smoked them out and they asked if they could put something special on top. I figured it was hash so I said OK.

we start smoking it and the guy goes, "we grow the poppies ourselves near our shack".

Oh. We were smoking opium.

They asked if we wanted to come back to their shack and do "couples stuff". I don't think I've ever seen my wife so freaked out.

We somehow avoided that situation and went to the hotel and passed out. We woke up the next NIGHT and could still not get out of bed. The following morning we booked another night at the hotel because we still were fucked up from whatever the fuck the hippie swinger shack dwellers put in the weed.

To this day I still wonder what we smoked.
There's the fucked up road I drive in the dark. Lol
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good one Gary. now go back to hanging out with the rest of the dropouts having cigarettes in the parking lot...
Is that what you do? Seems like you know all about that kiddie shit.

For the record I'm talking about holding it down by not getting one of my doors kicked in. You broke chump. Ask anyone around here, they'll tell you I don't have money problems.

That must be one of your worries. Because it sure the fuck isn't one of mine.
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A few years ago my wife and I went to big sur. On the way up highway 1 a major landslide shut the both lanes down and we were diverted east into the hills for a detour. We lost all reception and ended up getting lost in some place called king city.

After getting some shifty glances and faulty directions from the locals we somehow ended up at the entrance of a military base called fort hunter-ligget, which was in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. We had lost hours of time and it was getting dark.

The guards at the gate seemed pissed we were there. They told us, "you need to drive straight down that road as fast as you safely can. They darker it gets the worse."

I drove as fast as I could, not quite sure why we were warned. The road turned dirt and suddenly it was a single lane logging road I. The mountains above big sur. No guard rails and the steepest furthest drops I've ever seen in my life. By this time it was dark and learned what the term "white knuckle" means. We finally descended onto highway one were literally cheering that we didn't die.

That night we went to a small local bar right next to our hotel. We drank and made friends with some hippie type couple and talked with them for awhile. I smoked them out and they asked if they could put something special on top. I figured it was hash so I said OK.

we start smoking it and the guy goes, "we grow the poppies ourselves near our shack".

Oh. We were smoking opium.

They asked if we wanted to come back to their shack and do "couples stuff". I don't think I've ever seen my wife so freaked out.

We somehow avoided that situation and went to the hotel and passed out. We woke up the next NIGHT and could still not get out of bed. The following morning we booked another night at the hotel because we still were fucked up from whatever the fuck the hippie swinger shack dwellers put in the weed.

To this day I still wonder what we smoked.
View attachment 3960091
There's the fucked up road I drive in the dark. Lol
I hate driving that road in pure daylight, scary when you can see everything as well
Is that what you do? Seems like you know all about that kiddie shit.

For the record I'm talking about holding it down by not getting one of my doors kicked in. You broke chump. Ask anyone around here, they'll tell you I don't have money problems.

That must be one of your worries. Because it sure the fuck isn't one of mine.

look at his status: "weed, money, pussy, liquor"

if that doesn't scream 18 year old high school dropout, i don't know what does.

and btw, if you mention that he flips burgers for a living he goes into psycho mode.
its a brain melter aint it? fucking with you guys using your own words. mental midgets..
Aren't you the clever one.

What ever dude. I couldn't care less about you, on par with stepping in gum. Yea, a little annoying but easily removed.

You that butt hurt you call me out over something I said, who knows how long ago, and have forgotten?

Get a life. Fucking poser. Fake ass bitch.
Is that what you do? Seems like you know all about that kiddie shit.

For the record I'm talking about holding it down by not getting one of my doors kicked in. You broke chump. Ask anyone around here, they'll tell you I don't have money problems.

That must be one of your worries. Because it sure the fuck isn't one of mine.
Lol fuck that dude.. he's a burger flipper who afraid of brown people
A few years ago my wife and I went to big sur. On the way up highway 1 a major landslide shut the both lanes down and we were diverted east into the hills for a detour. We lost all reception and ended up getting lost in some place called king city.

After getting some shifty glances and faulty directions from the locals we somehow ended up at the entrance of a military base called fort hunter-ligget, which was in the mountains in the middle of nowhere. We had lost hours of time and it was getting dark.

The guards at the gate seemed pissed we were there. They told us, "you need to drive straight down that road as fast as you safely can. They darker it gets the worse."

I drove as fast as I could, not quite sure why we were warned. The road turned dirt and suddenly it was a single lane logging road I. The mountains above big sur. No guard rails and the steepest furthest drops I've ever seen in my life. By this time it was dark and learned what the term "white knuckle" means. We finally descended onto highway one were literally cheering that we didn't die.

That night we went to a small local bar right next to our hotel. We drank and made friends with some hippie type couple and talked with them for awhile. I smoked them out and they asked if they could put something special on top. I figured it was hash so I said OK.

we start smoking it and the guy goes, "we grow the poppies ourselves near our shack".

Oh. We were smoking opium.

They asked if we wanted to come back to their shack and do "couples stuff". I don't think I've ever seen my wife so freaked out.

We somehow avoided that situation and went to the hotel and passed out. We woke up the next NIGHT and could still not get out of bed. The following morning we booked another night at the hotel because we still were fucked up from whatever the fuck the hippie swinger shack dwellers put in the weed.

To this day I still wonder what we smoked.
View attachment 3960091
There's the fucked up road I drive in the dark. Lol

It's all good until you hear banjo music.:hump::oops: