Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
We'll see if my public pretender is worth a shit come May. Thanks buddy.

Not weed related. No need to champion my cause. Just don't ever find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time with a loaded pistol.
Shoulda spent the 50 bucks on a carry permit silly boy lol bet ya wish ya woulda now heheheee :):):)


Well-Known Member
its trueeeeeeeee idk what to wear tonight :(
wear that cute shirt to left of your jacket.. hanging next to your umm white shirt... and uhh those cute jean shorts..

pretending i know what your closet looks like.


Well-Known Member
Ugh! My big dog literally CHEWS on my small dog and he left a giant bruise on her inner thigh (a really, really bad bruise.) :( Idk what to do...they're both puppies so they both want to play, and they do try to play together, bless their hearts, but he is just so much bigger than her that she ends up getting hurt. But with Chico gone they're all each other's got dog-wise! What concert are you going to Sunni?


Well-Known Member
Honestly I don't know that i'd ever be able to shoot anyone. If I did it would probably be in defense of someone else, like my kids or nieces and nephews or something.