Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Ya OK I lost my head temporarily! Idk I used to laugh & think those people where weak getting sucked in by sexual innuendos. My god happens soo fast you don't realize it until your in the thick of it.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I should start Collecting them! Wtf.
Where's my Punk buddy!
Quick play I Just Wanna Have Something to do tonight.


Well-Known Member

so i'm driving home today and my brakes are feeling like they don't give a fuck. have to drop the brake peddle way way down to get any braking action, and even then it is mild at best.

so once i get home. i slam the thing into reverse a few times and stomp on the brakes. this is what toyota tells you to do when you get new brakes.

seemingly no difference at first. then i get in the truck an hour later to do some drunk driving, and the brakes are working great again.

what is this witchcraft?
Did you just get new brakes? Or are you just trouble shooting as Toyota said? I think that's more to set the pads tbh, they need to grove into the rotor and burn off any machining processes left. Besides low fluid, perforated diaphragm, or air in the system I'm out of ideas.

My trucks always drive better when I'm drunk FYI.. Noises bumps and any issues kinda fade away.

They come right back in the am tho:confused: