Random Jibber Jabber Thread

my first thought is..people still use email?
but than i realize i do with my dad lol

wait so im confused does she have actual proof the bro in law and this lady are having an affair or ...like? cause liking photos on facebook is a bit of a stretch to assume something

I guess he's been acting strange since the memorial. .she was in Vegas shooting stunts for the next Bourne movie..*spoiler the car scenes are epic...she got to drive through the front doors of a casino or something. .anyways I guess he confessed to sleeping in a bed with her but nothing happened. .he wouldn't let her see his cell but said she was just a 'close ' friend. .dudes had a bad yr..like 5 of his close friends passed. .husband and wife suicide. .a few accidents. She said she wanted to try and work it out but he said he wasn't sure..honestly they're relationship has been a Rollercoaster since i met my guy. .per her they rarely have sex and barely communicate when in the same room. .my mother in law said she goes to her room at 7pm and leaves daddy to watch son..I can't pick sides because she kinda dropped the ball in the wifey department but he made the choice to betray the marriage imo.
Are they company trucks?
ya from the electric company.
they are doing work in the lot under the slope from my house
which is a huge lot you know with all that free fucking space. you know where you could easily park 10 trucks.

yesterday they parked 2 ford f250s in my driveway i called ot complain cause hubby was about to be home and you know we live ona hill
lady thought i was nuts for fucking asking.

than today back again huge company trucks.

like why are you just parking in my driveway? i said not to. you didnt ask. and you arent working on my property so go away!
I guess he's been acting strange since the memorial. .she was in Vegas shooting stunts for the next Bourne movie..*spoiler the car scenes are epic...she got to drive through the front doors of a casino or something. .anyways I guess he confessed to sleeping in a bed with her but nothing happened. .he wouldn't let her see his cell but said she was just a 'close ' friend. .dudes had a bad yr..like 5 of his close friends passed. .husband and wife suicide. .a few accidents. She said she wanted to try and work it out but he said he wasn't sure..honestly they're relationship has been a Rollercoaster since i met my guy. .per her they rarely have sex and barely communicate when in the same room. .my mother in law said she goes to her room at 7pm and leaves daddy to watch son..I can't pick sides because she kinda dropped the ball in the wifey department but he made the choice to betray the marriage imo.
doesnt sound like a good relationship ...family drama sucks
ya from the electric company.
they are doing work in the lot under the slope from my house
which is a huge lot you know with all that free fucking space. you know where you could easily park 10 trucks.

yesterday they parked 2 ford f250s in my driveway i called ot complain cause hubby was about to be home and you know we live ona hill
lady thought i was nuts for fucking asking.

than today back again huge company trucks.

like why are you just parking in my driveway? i said not to. you didnt ask. and you arent working on my property so go away!
If they're there when hubby gets back have him walk out and talk to the guys. Or do it yourself. They'll understand. Lady working the phones likely doesn't care much.
ya from the electric company.
they are doing work in the lot under the slope from my house
which is a huge lot you know with all that free fucking space. you know where you could easily park 10 trucks.

yesterday they parked 2 ford f250s in my driveway i called ot complain cause hubby was about to be home and you know we live ona hill
lady thought i was nuts for fucking asking.

than today back again huge company trucks.

like why are you just parking in my driveway? i said not to. you didnt ask. and you arent working on my property so go away!
I think abes right. Your husband should give them a taste if their own medicine.

Never mind, Abe was wrong.
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-eye in the morning!

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Earl-eye in the morning


Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Earl-eye in the morning!

Put him in the hold with the Captain's daughter,
Put him in the hold with the Captain's daughter,
Put him in the hold with the Captain's daughter,
Earl-eye in the morning!

What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-eye in the morning!

Put him the back of the paddy wagon,
Put him the back of the paddy wagon,
Put him the back of the paddy wagon,
Earl-eye in the morning!


Throw him in the brig 'til he's sober,
Throw him in the brig 'til he's sober,
Throw him in the brig 'til he's sober,
Earl-eye in the morning!

What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
What do you do with a drunken sailor,
Earl-eye in the morning!
Smoked half a joint in my bedroom. Now many hours later, everytime I walk in there, it smells like stale smoke. Not doing that again.
So monday my sister in law sends out an email that says her husband is having an affair. .it started while he was gone to a memorial service for his BFF that recently passed. Today my mother in law calls me in tears because the woman he's having the affair with is liking pics on his Facebook and his wife saw..she messaged his mother asking her to message the home wrecker to ask her to stop liking pics of her child and husband..
I called my sister in law and asked her not to ask her mother in law to do such things..I asked her if she confronted the 'other woman ' herself. .she tried but she was quickly blocked..

Not sure if I did the right thing but I politely messaged the 'other woman ' explaining that her relationship with my brother in law was none of my business but my family was..I asked her to help out and avoid liking family pics his wife sees..
Especially of my nephew. .
Let's hope she understands...

My brother in law claims he only slept in a bed with her because he was drunk and nothing happened but he's been talking to this chick non stop for weeks and has no intention to stop per him..i don't care what happened he's a married man with a 2 yr old son. If they didn't sleep together he still crossed a line..

Wait wait wait


Your sister in law's husband is your brother in law? Did you get confused on a SWIM story, or do you just not know how the in law thing works? Or, is it just me (again)?
Wait wait wait


Your sister in law's husband is your brother in law? Did you get confused on a SWIM story, or do you just not know how the in law thing works? Or, is it just me (again)?

No idea what ur getting at..my guys brother is my brother in law making his wife my sister in law...ya that simple.
The term "in law" means relative by marriage. ..must be just u..and evidently a few others lmfao. ..