Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Today I learned that I'll probably have to work till I fucking die. Other than that it was a pretty good day. lol


Well-Known Member
Today I learned that I'll probably have to work till I fucking die. Other than that it was a pretty good day. lol
If yoy became a firefighter i could politely tell you to jump hope kn that burning building wituout being an ass.

But only if its what you want. Follow your dreams an such they say.


Well-Known Member
I went to my first hockey game. The bruins lost, but I'm not on the team so I still didn't care.

Also I had some crazy thought about pushing people off the balcony this kid was begging for it.. I asked around... Apparently you die and shit from that

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
problems with hubby?
Meh.. He just got back from his interview and barely told me anything.

He says he doesn't remember what he said. Like really?

I waited 2 weeks to talk to him about the interview. I have been super supportive and haven't tried to teach him or anything. My parents helped him with his interviewing skills. I kept quiet because he doesn't like the way I teach.

I want to know what happened and he won't talk to me. It is just frustrating.

I'm just wasting time on here trying not to go back up there and bite his head off.


Well-Known Member
Unless I haven't had any coffee or ganja for a while...then look the fuck out!

I'm sure he's just nervous about how he did, FP.
Give him some time and eventually he'll come around. ;-)


Staff member
Meh.. He just got back from his interview and barely told me anything.

He says he doesn't remember what he said. Like really?

I waited 2 weeks to talk to him about the interview. I have been super supportive and haven't tried to teach him or anything. My parents helped him with his interviewing skills. I kept quiet because he doesn't like the way I teach.

I want to know what happened and he won't talk to me. It is just frustrating.

I'm just wasting time on here trying not to go back up there and bite his head off.
leave him be
he clearly doesnt want to talk about it.

thats my outsider opinion, you mean well of course but hes showing clear signs he isnt wanting ot be chatty about it so i would drop it


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Meh.. He just got back from his interview and barely told me anything.

He says he doesn't remember what he said. Like really?

I waited 2 weeks to talk to him about the interview. I have been super supportive and haven't tried to teach him or anything. My parents helped him with his interviewing skills. I kept quiet because he doesn't like the way I teach.

I want to know what happened and he won't talk to me. It is just frustrating.

I'm just wasting time on here trying not to go back up there and bite his head off.
He may have hammered it and they still might not hire him. Sadly how well you do in an interview doesn't always give you the job. So our way to handle stress is to talk it out, there's is usually to deny it and move on.

I think it came from an evolutionary time when they had to go out and wrangle big game with only sharp pointy sticks, better not to think. I so get your frustration, LOL but the only solution is to wait for the phone call.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Unless I haven't had any coffee or ganja for a while...then look the fuck out!

I'm sure he's just nervous about how he did, FP.
Give him some time and eventually he'll come around. ;-)
Maybe he thought my questions were to find some way he fucked up.

He just gets annoyed so quickly and dismissive. Like dude, I wasn't there.

He told me they gave him a questionaire and he didn't feel to confident about it. That there were two workers there that asked him technical questions. I asked him what did you tell them and he is like.. i dont remember what I said, I just answered their questions. So I was like, did you talk about your good qualities and the things you know how to do? He says he didn't give them any extra information.

I said what do you mean? Then he started getting snippy.

So whatever. He might come around in an hour or so.. It's just annoying as fuck to be waiting so long to talk about something and then he doesn't want to talk about it.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I know. It just sucks.

I spent like an hour yesterday trimming his beard, shaving his neck, giving his cheeks a close shave and cutting his hair.

I went to the store and got him the undershirts he wanted and washed his dress clothes.

I kept the stress inside so I wouldn't make him nervous. I just kept telling him he looked nice and he looked handsome and so on and so on.

Men suck sometimes lol.