+++ RepDamn it Margret, Calm the Fuck down !
Fart jokes, they never get old LOL
+++ RepDamn it Margret, Calm the Fuck down !
My place of work finally blocked RIU when I'm on their WiFi.
How to get around this? I downloaded a few vpn apps from the play store but to no avail.
Can anyone help me?
My first thought was to just quit and get a job that doesn't block RIU, but I'd like to try other options first...
Sendin good vibes to ya Bygon!My childhood cat (not just any old cat, the best cat that ever lived, 20 times better than the other 2 cats I have) that I've had for almost 18 years is being put to sleep tomorrow. I'm devastated. He's so pathetic, I keep bawling my eyes out at the thought of him suffering through the night. I tried to convince my mom to take him to the emergency vet tonight but she wants his vet to do it in the morning(he's been living with her for 2 months since he developed kidney disease and hepatitis and I work full time).... he's not screaming in pain, so I guess it is what it is. I'm really gonna miss my fat cheeked Pepper kitty.
Oh, not to mention I just started an extremely stressful job on monday and I'm on a birth control pill that makes me cry for no reason as it is... I somehow have to manage to keep myself together at work tomorrow... What a shitty ass week!!!!!
My childhood cat (not just any old cat, the best cat that ever lived, 20 times better than the other 2 cats I have) that I've had for almost 18 years is being put to sleep tomorrow. I'm devastated. He's so pathetic, I keep bawling my eyes out at the thought of him suffering through the night. I tried to convince my mom to take him to the emergency vet tonight but she wants his vet to do it in the morning(he's been living with her for 2 months since he developed kidney disease and hepatitis and I work full time).... he's not screaming in pain, so I guess it is what it is. I'm really gonna miss my fat cheeked Pepper kitty.
Oh, not to mention I just started an extremely stressful job on monday and I'm on a birth control pill that makes me cry for no reason as it is... I somehow have to manage to keep myself together at work tomorrow... What a shitty ass week!!!!!
My childhood cat (not just any old cat, the best cat that ever lived, 20 times better than the other 2 cats I have) that I've had for almost 18 years is being put to sleep tomorrow. I'm devastated. He's so pathetic, I keep bawling my eyes out at the thought of him suffering through the night. I tried to convince my mom to take him to the emergency vet tonight but she wants his vet to do it in the morning(he's been living with her for 2 months since he developed kidney disease and hepatitis and I work full time).... he's not screaming in pain, so I guess it is what it is. I'm really gonna miss my fat cheeked Pepper kitty.
Oh, not to mention I just started an extremely stressful job on monday and I'm on a birth control pill that makes me cry for no reason as it is... I somehow have to manage to keep myself together at work tomorrow... What a shitty ass week!!!!!
Sorry to hear..id like too take this time to point out the medical benefits of marijuana. Not only for you but for your cat..get that pepper kitty properly lit, bring it outside show it the stars,go for a ride in the car, teach it to knit, go beat up the neighborhood cats, let it pissed in your shoes(do cats do that?) no rules!! What's the worst that could happen?My childhood cat (not just any old cat, the best cat that ever lived, 20 times better than the other 2 cats I have) that I've had for almost 18 years is being put to sleep tomorrow. I'm devastated. He's so pathetic, I keep bawling my eyes out at the thought of him suffering through the night. I tried to convince my mom to take him to the emergency vet tonight but she wants his vet to do it in the morning(he's been living with her for 2 months since he developed kidney disease and hepatitis and I work full time).... he's not screaming in pain, so I guess it is what it is. I'm really gonna miss my fat cheeked Pepper kitty.
Oh, not to mention I just started an extremely stressful job on monday and I'm on a birth control pill that makes me cry for no reason as it is... I somehow have to manage to keep myself together at work tomorrow... What a shitty ass week!!!!!
Xenforo is an easy nut to crack. Download TOR. Or you can probs just use a proxy, but the best way is to just download some VPN software. Here's some links:My place of work finally blocked RIU when I'm on their WiFi.
How to get around this? I downloaded a few vpn apps from the play store but to no avail.
Can anyone help me?
My first thought was to just quit and get a job that doesn't block RIU, but I'd like to try other options first...
Xenforo is an easy nut to crack. Download TOR. Or you can probs just use a proxy, but the best way is to just download some VPN software. Here's some links:
http://thepiratebeach.eu/torrent/11853425/Hotspot Shield VPN Elite 5.20.2 Multilingual Patch [4realtorrentz]
LOL I recieved a LED light from ebay from china all smashed so I wrote to them and they sent a whole new one... my bf was so excited that it wasn't broke that he tripped over himself and the second LED light went flying SMASH onto the floor ... so being cheeky I wrote again to china and they sent me ANOTHER one... and then I figured out HOW to fix them! so then I had 3 of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My dad came down to the garage yesterday all excited about getting an old radio at the thrift store.
He's so excited to plug it in he trips on a stack of tires and smashes the radio on the floor.
LOL I recieved a LED light from ebay from china all smashed so I wrote to them and they sent a whole new one... my bf was so excited that it wasn't broke that he tripped over himself and the second LED light went flying SMASH onto the floor ... so being cheeky I wrote again to china and they sent me ANOTHER one... and then I figured out HOW to fix them! so then I had 3 of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()