Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Now wait just a minute here! If you get to go I get to go too! I really don't talk ALL that much when I'm fishing. However there was this time when my dad threw me outta the boat and then that time in Baja when my friends engineered me off the cat. Now I'm not saying this was because I was talking, I do love to fish, I just have such bad fish luck. On the plus side I bait my own hooks and can tie my own tackle and remove fish from hooks. I also willingly clean fish, even cat fish which take pithing. I can take apart an outboard dry plugs and get her running in to time, inboards and jets you're on your own.

Even better if you let me drink all the beer you won't even know I'm there, TRUST me (:

It probably is pretty tough to talk & guzzle good brew at the same time. :wink:

Ok, you're in if I can find my keys.
I'm in. Didn't get as much fishing in this summer as I would've liked.
I'm GREAT GWN sent me Halibut, Salmon and Moose Care Package and let me tell you I FELT the warm AK love and got the fishing bug again :) How did your pole barn come out? How's the pigs and your lovely daughter has to be getting older and older! How's she doing? Oh geesh that's right you don't have to fear bad boyfriends you got a pig farm! Way to plan ahead.

So good to see you! I've missed you a lot,
Nice to see you too!

Got most of my projects done this summer. The farm looks amazing. We just got back into pigs a couple weeks ago. Sold all of them this last winter when the prices bottomed out.

I'll post more when I get home. I'm on the road right now..
me neither, but do we ever?

Never seems like it.:-|

Here's what I started with on the old barn. Got the roof on and tore the end off that was falling in.

And here's what it looks like now.
Ah i see, i grew up picking tobacco in hatfield massachusetts and alot of the farms ive worked on had similar types! In fact one was SUPER elaborate and mimi omasta used to tell me it was to ward off evil spirits, they were serious as a heart attack too, miss those old 3 pronged pitch forks, and haying team of horses and a rake! goodtimes man! Thankyou for sharing that pic, truly my nirvana right there!