Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
hope you went to the ER that looks deep.
Yeah I ended up going to the local clinic. I have no insurance so I usually don't do shit but I was worried about tetnis. I got a tetnis shot for $75 and got outta there.

They said I needed to get stitches and have part of the nail removed and stuff. I said no. Went and got some band aids and a 6 pack.

I'll be fine I'm just pissed I did it. Shit went right through the nail but not too deep after that.


Staff member
You calm down a bit sunni? I hope you're feeling better.
I am thank you the fact that hubby wants baby lots in like ok whatever I guess

It's only 5 pm here but been without smoked since last night at round 6 pm ish ?

I'm not looking forward to being as big as a house lol


Well-Known Member
I am thank you the fact that hubby wants baby lots in like ok whatever I guess

It's only 5 pm here but been without smoked since last night at round 6 pm ish ?

I'm not looking forward to being as big as a house lol
Lots of gals don’t care much for pregnancy, until it happens. I bet you’ll take to it beautifully. Plus tight dress and big pregnant belly is one of the sexiest looks ever. Fact.

The Dual citizenship takes more than 9 months? There’s no way to fast track that with a bun in the oven?

Sure you need doctors appointments and everything. But what about a doula? I have some hippy friends here that did an at home water birth, for 3 kids. There are other options.

Couldn’t you stay where you are until the third trimester?

Sorry that’s loads of questions. Really happy for you, it’ll all work out in the end.

P.S. Electronic cigarettes will help in a few days with the habit of smoking. The first days are the hardest.

Also, I had pregnant friends that drank coffee all through pregnancy. You do what you want.