Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Where the hell did August go :/

Sounds like what I say every month. This time around, August was the best summer month that I can remember, probably because my kid was in summer camp and I didn't have to deal with his mom. I had the entire month to myself, and I LOVED it: so many urban adventures and bike riding, concerts, smoking, drinking and general waywardness. It was like summer camp for me ;)
Does anyone else type up a post just to end up deleting it? If y'all think I'm throwed off y'all should see the stuff I delete! You know it's bad if I read it and go "Whoa, that's way over the top Gary!"

You are all very welcome for the little bit of discretion I do have:lol:

Oh, yeah. I'd say I do that about 70% of the time. But what does make it through is pure gold. You're welcome...

Does anyone else type up a post just to end up deleting it? If y'all think I'm throwed off y'all should see the stuff I delete! You know it's bad if I read it and go "Whoa, that's way over the top Gary!"

You are all very welcome for the little bit of discretion I do have:lol:
Since mijo @mr sunshine is on detention, I've kinda expected you and Bushy to pick up the slack; or where o where can mijo be, oh where o where can he be?
All the time especially when I wanna tell it like it is

Sadly I can't do that
When you do get to go off on people I love it:lol:
Oh, yeah. I'd say I do that about 70% of the time. But what does make it through is pure gold. You're welcome...
lol for me I think it might be the other way around. Some of my deleted content was awesome, but maybe a little too offensive.
My typing skills have doubled since being here.

Sadly by the time i post up the subject has changed.

Maybe if I didn't fire up as I'm catching up ......Strain of the day has much to do with this as anything.

What were we talking about?
This was fucking hilarious to me:clap:
Since mijo @mr sunshine is on detention, I've kinda expected you and Bushy to pick up the slack; or where o where can mijo be, oh where o where can he be?
I've been in a little bit of a funk, I almost had to shut shit down. Im actually still considering it:( Just haven't felt like my normal butt sex loving self lately.
I've been in a little bit of a funk, I almost had to shut shit down. Im actually still considering it:( Just haven't felt like my normal butt sex loving self lately.

Me, too, bro. Check this shit out: for the last month, my 3 newest trays of plants would not stop vegging and wouldn't flower, they just kept getting taller and taller with no bud formation! I've never seen anything like it. Even on the oldest batch, the flowers aren't nearly and tight as usual and have a strange, wispy growth pattern. I couldn't figure out what the fuck was happening, so I decided to keep the door cracked the other night and check on them frequently. Turns out, one of my 1000 watt hps was turning on at about 3am! One of the 15 minute timer tabs got pressed down, and it was turning on every night during the dark period. Motherfucker!!! So, I'm behind on production and that shit got me down. Luckily, I had a surplus of weed which is now quickly disappearing. Glad I had the surplus, or I'd be financially fucked. It seems life has a sense of humor...
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Minute 1:20 :wink:

That was so good! + Rep (I'm still not letting you off for killing Bullwinkle though).
I survived yesterday. Tallest and wobbliest scaffold yet. I made a co worker tie a rope between us and stand inside.

Thanks, OSHA
Yeah, I'd put my money into scaffolding rather than a belayer, especially if they don't share your politics.