Random Jibber Jabber Thread

no offense but we run this how we want to, everyone agreed to that when you signed up
if you dont like it go to another forum,
if not just deal with it.

he shouldve unknotted his panties and played with his friends and had a good time instead of causing internal bullshit anger and getting banned over it.

sometimes you gotta learn to pick your battles,
How does Trousers get away with the things he says about me?

He's very cruel.

I've never seen Dyna, or anyone else be that cruel.
The riot has begun.


First person to chase trousers off gets the nips.


I'm going to post more as a public service.
How long do I have to be gone before you post your bewbs?

I just can't be here every day.
I will be going fishing soon and I do not interweb when I do that.

Just saying, I don't want you to post your boobs and then have me show up the next day.
How does Trousers get away with the things he says about me?

He's very cruel.

I've never seen Dyna, or anyone else be that cruel.

Is it cruel to ask you over 100 times to stop making threads about me, stop posting about me, stop tagging me, stop having abe posting about me and tagging me?

Is that cruel?

If you want to be left alone, stop obsessing about me here. Go do it on some other board. Write down all your feeling about me and burn them, just move on.

Remember one of the first threads you made about me, Time to turn the page?

Maybe you need to move on.
What's up you fuckin disappearing sonsofabitch? One day you're here and we're all smilin' and shit and then next thing you're up and gone, leaving us to worry and to make little toboggans and Beethoven busts outta our fuckin poop!
So there I was with a box of cereal and 2% milk because she said she was on a diet and as she bent over.... Oh wait, wrong story:oops:

I've been harvesting, trimming, cloning, and I just got 2 new 400 watt hps lights:bigjoint: I've been a lil busy the last few days.

Btw welcome back @sunni

Also, I didn't even know my neegro Dyna got banned...
Looks like I'm gonna have to pick up where he left off.

Who's ready for some BBC pics?!
I hate steve. Hes one of those im better than u dickholes. Id light his ass up with a paintball gun if i could
Yeah, but it could also be marketing: Former Marine, ex-cop...........marketed as a hard ass and has to play the role for the paycheck. It's Hollywood. Ya got the spectrum of kissy touchy feelly types to Nazi kill them all types. Ya never really know if all ya see is them on the TV. Just saying
Yeah, but it could also be marketing: Former Marine, ex-cop...........marketed as a hard ass and has to play the role for the paycheck. It's Hollywood. Ya got the spectrum of kissy touchy feelly types to Nazi kill them all types. Ya never really know if all ya see is them on the TV. Just saying
Ur right. He prolly paints landscapes and does pintrest collages in his spare time
So, what did he do, what was "too far"?
It wasn't really anything terrible, it just annoyed the shit out of me. He didn't like some girl that abandoned her daughter. She left her little girl with grandma and took off with her boyfriend. Steve must of bin abandoned when he was young....After he chewed her out and said his piece he kept picking on her as she hysterically cried.. He really had nothing else to say it got to the point where he started repeating her words sounding like a baby..and just mimicking her cries..