Random Jibber Jabber Thread

i cant figure out if i want thai food or not for dinner tnt lol
fuck i love hot boxing big ass 1 gram+ joints with my bestfriend. something about big joints they arn't harsh at all and gets you so fucking baked. to bad its really fucking expensive here
I gave up. see how many more months heroin and crack iv`d seems cool.

It`s weird those times I seizure all around my room almost dead are some of the best moments. I pray it kills me. first day I got home from rehab I was just chillin smoking some blueberry I grew over the summer passed out all drunk in my moms house. woke up my cat had knocked over the tv, I got blamed so I grabbed the phone got a 40 bag of rock .4 of tan and just went at it. woke up in cuffs at the hospital. it was pretty fun honestly.

they say I took more benzos then any other patient they have had in a long time. 10 mg xanax, 4 mg loraz, 5 mg ativan and a few I was too oput of it to remember. then took another 2 mg xanax and stumbled home and slept for a day straight.

well time to get high and sing a song wicked sad my doc wants to see me over my constant seizures,. I do have cancer too soooooo its`complicated. I just want everything to go away at this point. court next month, and really I`m just wanting to die. doctor tomorrow
it`s gotta get better, since being diaganossed with cancer which I hide from everyone life has gotten progressively worse.

I just don`t understand how things are getting worse for me when I`m trying to get better.

I left rehab because I found it condescending, and in all honesty I did good the last time quitting on my own. now I just want to bang because my family thinks I am the bad one. yet if I driink with my brother I am the one who needs to get the hookups, yet if i tell them that I`m a snitch. like fuck everyone I plan to move far far away from this enviorment.

I can go sober and straight and did it up until my dad died and then was blamed for him having a heartattack. I asked if it was ok to drive home for a coca cola and on that way he just fell over dying. fuck this shit. I need a nice nap some more heroin and hhopefully just be dead
it`s gotta get better, since being diaganossed with cancer which I hide from everyone life has gotten progressively worse.

I just don`t understand how things are getting worse for me when I`m trying to get better.

I left rehab because I found it condescending, and in all honesty I did good the last time quitting on my own. now I just want to bang because my family thinks I am the bad one. yet if I driink with my brother I am the one who needs to get the hookups, yet if i tell them that I`m a snitch. like fuck everyone I plan to move far far away from this enviorment.

I can go sober and straight and did it up until my dad died and then was blamed for him having a heartattack. I asked if it was ok to drive home for a coca cola and on that way he just fell over dying. fuck this shit. I need a nice nap some more heroin and hhopefully just be dead

Best thing you could do is leave the place that keeps sucking you in. One of my best friends is an alcoholic that almost killed himself from drinking too much, on more than one occasion. He wanted to get better but found himself in the same place repeatedly.

I contacted some old rigger buddies I worked with a decade+ ago to get him a job away from here. He didn't want to leave his son, but he needed to better himself before he could do anything for his son. He been getting high
Best thing you could do is leave the place that keeps sucking you in. One of my best friends is an alcoholic that almost killed himself from drinking too much, on more than one occasion. He wanted to get better but found himself in the same place repeatedly.

I contacted some old rigger buddies I worked with a decade+ ago to get him a job away from here. He didn't want to leave his son, but he needed to better himself before he could do anything for his son. He been getting high
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Did it work? Did he get cleaned up?
blah i went to go look for a halloween costume today no luck didnt like anything,
Make one!

Or even better - you have an old one? Be that - BUT ZOMBIE!

You just need the makeup, and blood (fake blood, because you're a vegan).

So you can be Zombie "X", where X is an old costume. Its fun dressing zombie...