Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Don't grow veggies or edibles inside railroad ties. They are soaked in creosote. Toxic.

*wait- what did I miss? why all the time off Pin? NOt from slicing your finger?
I was thinking about lining them with some 3m industrial poly but it might be safer to just dig down instead of build up altogether. A couple months ago my back had been torturing me so I decided to take this year off. Recoup. My boss says to come on back whenever I'm up for it. But, I might actually start looking for something less physically demanding. Good to see you! :grin:
I haven't checked out hell on wheels yet. I hear people talk about it all the time. Gonna check that, and the wire out. Maybe see if I can find some cartooney stuff for later. Thanks buddy.
Everything Growan said and Grimm I like Grimm its not to deep but entertaining. Spirited away is a good cartoon but I know you seened it already cause you just be like that
In other news, my keyboard is still acting up.

Blast away!