Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
drink an vintage wine , for nonno , he loved his wine, sadly i wont be tasting his homemade wine anymore...but ill h ave the memory of grape crushing with him
Sounds like my Grandpa....grew up with his wine and cured meats like coppa and proscuitto. My respects


Staff member
Sounds like my Grandpa....grew up with his wine and cured meats like coppa and proscuitto. My respects
thank you, today was very hard, i was a pallbearer.
and the youngest grandchild, well aside from the two 3-6 year olds boys but they didnt really understand, so basically iw as youngest oldest grandchild and i couldnt stop balling my eyes out, it was very hard, and i felt like everyone was starring at me, but like , with a look of utter sadness, to see how hard i am taking it.
My nonno was like a father to me, as mine has never truly been in my life
Italian families are very VERY close

And it seems, that im growing up really quick, my zio (uncle) just died, and my best friends mom died of cancer recently, now my Nonno, and im just not ready to say goodbye to these types of people in my life.

I realize its a life thing, but I really wanted my Nonno to see my get married, and walk me down the aisle....
and now my dream is crushed.

I've spent , most of my life at my nonno and nonnas house... and i just so overwhelmed, I startmy new job tomorrow and it just seems like a boulder at been put inmy path, and i cant walk around it, i cant move it, i have to deal with it.

just very sad today ....i dunno , hard to explain feelings, sorry for being a debbie downer folks. lol


Well-Known Member
Just catching up on all the threads. @ Sunni: That's so hard isn't it? I lost my father a year ago and the funeral was brutal. So much finality. But honey you're right about that boulder. Find a path around it, because that boulder of loss will be with you for some time. You loved him deeply and that pain stays with you awhile, but it WILL become manageable, then fade over time. Permit yourself to feel it. Best for healing. hugs to you.


Staff member
sorry to hear of all your losses as well

starting the new job today ^_^ woot woot. spring is around the corner.
thor almost wagged his little butt off when i came home, hasnt left my side yet, which is a-thor-able :p


Well-Known Member
Man, my granddad only cares about soccer, doesn't really makes himself noticeable
Grandma on the other hand, she's all over the place:hump::hump::hump::hump:
Sorry for the loss sunni


Staff member
Thor was on a leash, i opened the back door likei normally do for an after dinner pee, and on the corner of the deck i see a big ball of fur, and its dark so it took a second and im like wtf is that?

and than thor went nuts, he started barking, and was upset
so this BIG FAT coon pokes his head up
at that moment im like OH SHIT. rabies. (even though thor has all his shots still)

and i said thor no come back and he does, and at the time the coon got really scared cause of thor and me, and he stumbled and fell off the deck.
i put thor into the house and went outside to make sure the coon was okay and he just walked off
i live downtown so theres garbage everywhere would be a good place for a coon to chow down, no food near my place though , and i put my garbage out front not back and in a wheelie plastic garbage can with a lid thingie.

Coon was more friendly than my dog but yes they are vicious and they are dirty, but my dog listens and this coon didnt strike.


Virtually Unknown Member
fwiw, if your dog does get bit/scratched take him to vet again. coons might appear to be "friendly", but they're not. good that Thor listens to you when his fur is up


Staff member
fwiw, if your dog does get bit/scratched take him to vet again. coons might appear to be "friendly", but they're not. good that Thor listens to you when his fur is up
yeah well we took behavior classes LOL hes come alonggggggggg way haha
but yes i know the dangers of coons


Well-Known Member
This feels very mainstream forum style.

Yo ceiling boob'

Edit: I don't think I can upload files from a mobile device (iPad) ??