Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
How lazy can someone be? What self respecting attention whore doesn't take pics with a web cam or own a tripod. I bought a dslr just to take nice pics of my junk. I have a folder entilted 'junk drawer'. When the wife needs a document I tell her to look there.


Well-Known Member
been watching way too much food tv last few days...
saw a guy make fried pork loin sandwitches.. so I made the family fried chicken thigh meat sandwitches..

not really expecting it to be a hit.. looks like I gotta add that to the menu.. wifey loves fried chicken... never been a fan of it myself.. still learning how to fry it so that the batter does not fall off during cooking.. I am getting better at it.. I think I am not allowing the oil to get hot enough in the pan.. but I hate the oil poping up and burning me..

tips anyone?? I used saltines then milk eggs batter recipe.. I am really tempted to try the tempura stuff but not sure how wife and kids will like it or not..


Well-Known Member
I don't really deep fry at home, but a friend once taught me that putting a piece of eggshell and a piece of cork in the oil will prevent smoking and popping. My understanding is that you are probably right on the temp.


Well-Known Member
been watching way too much food tv last few days...
saw a guy make fried pork loin sandwitches.. so I made the family fried chicken thigh meat sandwitches..

not really expecting it to be a hit.. looks like I gotta add that to the menu.. wifey loves fried chicken... never been a fan of it myself.. still learning how to fry it so that the batter does not fall off during cooking.. I am getting better at it.. I think I am not allowing the oil to get hot enough in the pan.. but I hate the oil poping up and burning me..

tips anyone?? I used saltines then milk eggs batter recipe.. I am really tempted to try the tempura stuff but not sure how wife and kids will like it or not..
Love Tempura, use it on almost everything we deep fry.


Well-Known Member
Hey!! Long time guys! Hope all's well.

I can cook Indian Gujurati and we use a lot of Gram flour for deep frying! Especially the large green chillies! Need to get the batter to the right consistency or it'll be a right mess!! :)


Well-Known Member
I am thinking I will try it soon.... wifey raved about some tempura caked shrimp once..

egg shells and corks.. sounds like witchcraft... :)
I googled it to no avail. But he was a bit of a wizard. An Argentine. But I have seen him do it. He would put in a good sized chunk of eggshell and a whole wine cork.