Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Active Member
I just went to the local greenhouse to pick up a bag of promix.
It was business as usual until I went and picked up the bag. Frozen solid.
Gotta love an above the Mason-Dixon line mountain winter.

Now I've gotta wait for this fucker to thaw before I can transplant.


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning with a terrible stomach virus. Could barely see straight, felt like I was walking on a boat. Throwin up, the whole nine. Was feeling too shitty to get up and roll a joint or something so I popped a couple pills to calm my stomach. I proceeded to throw those up an hour and a half later. Finally decided its time to smoke some pot. Now I am still aching, but no longer throwing up and I feel lost in Pink Floyd's 'Animals'. What an amazing substance. Fuck being sick!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I know! It's been really bad. Rained all of yesterday and the gales kept me awake most of the night! I think it's the tale end of the UK storms. :)
I wish it was the end of the storms, the bloody wind is howling as I'm writing this the river is about to burst, and we had no power yesterday, and they forecast more of the same in the next 24 hours.:roll:


Well-Known Member
I wish it was the end of the storms, the bloody wind is howling as I'm writing this the river is about to burst, and we had no power yesterday, and they forecast more of the same in the next 24 hours.:roll:
I can't bear it! That's partly why I love it here. I had 17C beginning of Dec. It's been quite bad since Xmas day. The pistes opened early this year yet late last year. I want to fly back soon but I know it'll be dismal in jan/feb. I've already been hit by lightening twice on one flight. Good thing Im not scared of flying! Lol :)