Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I cut myself shaving 3 times this morning and my grandparents just showed up an hour early as I was getting my smoke on place reeks of ganja I'm sure they know what's up. I just seem to be winning in every sense today Lol.


Well-Known Member
someone tried to ransack my car last night for valuables.. picked the wrong car... (always leave mine open has been ransacked like this 4 times in the past never any damage or anything missing more then a few $ in change)... he took a single half smoked cig.. and left me a fair trade.

I have a few of them now..
Excellent, I still use a screwdriver I acquired that way from twenty years ago. Good screwdriver, but you did better.


Well-Known Member
Went and got our first "professional" family portrait taken. Went good, the little one behaved herself atleast. If it wasn't for yoga pants I would really hate the mall though.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I cut myself shaving 3 times this morning and my grandparents just showed up an hour early as I was getting my smoke on place reeks of ganja I'm sure they know what's up. I just seem to be winning in every sense today Lol.
You shave? Why? If I were a guy I would neither shave nor bleach my mustache. Matter of fact after some introspection I'm considering no longer dyeing my mustache!


New Member
I saw three of my good friends in a documentary from 1994 today.It was cool.All three were interviewed.One girl was so high on extasy it was crazy


Well-Known Member
Went and got our first "professional" family portrait taken. Went good, the little one behaved herself atleast. If it wasn't for yoga pants I would really hate the mall though.
A buddy of mine once informed a healthy lady with a voracious appetite as we were going up an escalator with her ahead of us, that "Spandex is a priveledge, not a fucking right!":clap::clap::clap: