Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
-3ºF right now with -20º wind chill. :finger:


50° 34°

48° 25°

41° 27°

50° 27°

I have been here too damn long.. I think it's freezing here now.. UGH.. I will never move back to the snow now.. it's been too cold to even go outside to smoke..


Well-Known Member

50° 34°

48° 25°

41° 27°

50° 27°

I have been here too damn long.. I think it's freezing here now.. UGH.. I will never move back to the snow now.. it's been too cold to even go outside to smoke..
Damn, that's t-shirt weather!


Well-Known Member
I did not think outside temps would effect an inside grow this quick.
Last week high in 40's today they calling for 79-80
Taking the temp on top of bucket when it's cool out 73*
last night low 66 temp top of bucket 79*
On top of everything else this just p-s- me off.


Well-Known Member
73 here atm with 90% humidity. The humidity during the summer feels like the air is steam
.....I wish.im sitting here wake and bake'n looking out the window thinking how nice and clear it is,only to realize its -7 deg F.

kinda hard to believe,but last night I made a batch of cookies with some good butter.funny thing was I burned the shit out of the last pan! Note to self-don't sample 2 cookies,get side tracked for an hour and resume baking,gonna forget something....:wall:


Well-Known Member
I did not think outside temps would effect an inside grow this quick.
Last week high in 40's today they calling for 79-80
Taking the temp on top of bucket when it's cool out 73*
last night low 66 temp top of bucket 79*
On top of everything else this just p-s- me off.
my girls go from high 60's to low 90's…..(not in one day….but over the course of 7 years growing in my closet)….but it's normally for just a few hours…but I haven't noticed any long term adverse effects.


Well-Known Member
It has been over 17 mo's since I have been to my old pain dr... spending 250$ each mo on visit and pills...

savings of $4250

total MJ grow cost in 17 mo's less then 500$ with dr ref.

feel better now then I have with any of my RX's.. (kinda miss the soma tho on certain days when I dont have medibles handy)

Soo happy for you. I have been in a similar situation myself and I'm glad you where able to pull through and are feeling better.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
-3ºF right now with -20º wind chill. :finger:
sorry bro.... I just couldn't "like" this post brrrrr
It has been over 17 mo's since I have been to my old pain dr... spending 250$ each mo on visit and pills...

savings of $4250

total MJ grow cost in 17 mo's less then 500$ with dr ref.

feel better now then I have with any of my RX's.. (kinda miss the soma tho on certain days when I dont have medibles handy)

good for you brotha

keep on keepin on


New Member
I did not think outside temps would effect an inside grow this quick.
Last week high in 40's today they calling for 79-80
Taking the temp on top of bucket when it's cool out 73*
last night low 66 temp top of bucket 79*
On top of everything else this just p-s- me off.

it is amazing how outside temps effect the girls indoors,IMO

BTW,its a heat wave here today.20 plus degrees out ! yay ! I better get out there and do my work.Daylight goes fast this time of year