Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Real clouds
[video=youtube_share;19ZUCoK_FP8]http://youtu.be/19ZUCoK_FP8[/video] I'm thinkin separation anxiety? lmao determination is blessing!
What do you guys think about the true healing power of Rick Sampson oil.... Mother of a friend diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer, thinking of donating my whole crop to the oil for her should she want it. Now I don't want to go in there with snake oils giving hope, I know it would give relief and can only hope for more. I would assume the cancer foundation would have already been all over if it can cure? Just looking for opinions, thanks.

It depends on the type of cancer. I am sorry.

I tried to PM you for more information, please PM me the type of cancer and her age and it's primary site.
A kid I know died in a horrific accident earlier this week.

He was riding his motorcycle at a high rate of speed on a country road. He approached a car idle waiting to turn into a driveway without a turn signal.

He decided to pass it. It was a 50/50 shot which way the car was turning and he chose the wrong direction.

You guys on bikes out there be very careful.
yards mowed, plants fed, driveway cleaned off, swept and mopped, canna cookies in the oven... folks arrive in about 5 hours
A kid I know died in a horrific accident earlier this week.

He was riding his motorcycle at a high rate of speed on a country road. He approached a car idle waiting to turn into a driveway without a turn signal.

He decided to pass it. It was a 50/50 shot which way the car was turning and he chose the wrong direction.

You guys on bikes out there be very careful.

my best friend died the same way
A kid I know died in a horrific accident earlier this week.

He was riding his motorcycle at a high rate of speed on a country road. He approached a car idle waiting to turn into a driveway without a turn signal.

He decided to pass it. It was a 50/50 shot which way the car was turning and he chose the wrong direction.

You guys on bikes out there be very careful.
one of my worst crashes was on a dirtbike, me being stupid with it on the road, i was movin. a car backed out of a driveway and right in front of me, broke my ankle and a collar bone. i got really lucky. even made it over to my bike to hit the kill switch after i crashed.. that was the death of my yamaha IT490 (snapped forks and cracked open the cover over the flywheel).. could of easily been my death too.. sorry bout your friend man. people need to watch out for bikers when they are in cars. not road rage or try to keep up with em. you never know when someone on a bike is gonna race around you so back off when a bike is around