Random Jabber Jibber thread



So, THIS is a thing now.

god i hope not.....eek
If our hair was originally meant for warmth and, possibly, sun block when we were primitive humans, why is it the heaviest patches still grow in areas that are the hottest and almost never see sun? My armpits have never been cold or ever come close to being sunburned and my balls and ass get sweaty in the middle of winter, I definitely don't need it there. Now, if I could just grow some gloves....
If our hair was originally meant for warmth and, possibly, sun block when we were primitive humans, why is it the heaviest patches still grow in areas that are the hottest and almost never see sun? My armpits have never been cold or ever come close to being sunburned and my balls and ass get sweaty in the middle of winter, I definitely don't need it there. Now, if I could just grow some gloves....

I want to know what I did to deserve it stopping growing on my head and growing out me nostrils and earholes.
Hair is overrated. I make sure mine gets chopped short enough never to need to brush or comb it.


Same here, but that's because it falls out so quick. I was happy when I found a grey hair on my head, I never thought it would stay in long enough to turn grey.

Saves on shampoo but costs me a fortune in sun cream...
A bunch of panicky kids who have been there for how long? In my mind that's what Xanax was invented for, not for bored middle-aged housewives

In my mind I see a pecking order for team Captain.
I would think the first words from the rescue crew would have set the narrative.
As for pharmaceuticals I can see the need, but not for all of them. unless the narrative..
In my mind I see a pecking order for team Captain.
I would think the first words from the rescue crew would have set the narrative.
As for pharmaceuticals I can see the need, but not for all of them. unless the narrative..

It was something I read today, could have been only the last ones but could have been all of them just to make sure nobody "lost it". Sometimes playing it safe is the better course of action.
it does, i get them on my cell phone like 10 times a day.....both me and my wife think of things to say to them when they call, we've found out that works the best......

Does their number come up on the caller ID? If so, then there should be a "block" option on your phone. Can work wonders as it does with email. If it's a withheld number, you can usually send it straight to voicemail via an option.

I'm lucky, being one of these bloody foreigners, they usually pronounce my name wrong so it's "Sorry, don't know anyone with that name".