Random Jabber Jibber thread

Baby T rex goes on sale on eBay, sparking paleontologists' outcry

You wouldn’t normally associate the world of dutiful natural history preservation with sporadic bursts of all-caps letters and exclamation points – or at least not until last month, when the fossil of an infant Tyrannosaurus rex, potentially the only in existence, went on sale on eBay for the “buy it now” price of $2.95m...........
wonder if that's why i always need more Novocaine at the dentist?

I do too & wonder ? ?

Last year I caught a big fish hook in my hand DEEP - two squirts of something into the IV plus a local didn't even come close to numbing it so they knocked me out with propofol & yanked it out with pliers.
Doctor even mentioned that I had a "high resistance" to pain killers.
I do too & wonder ? ?

Last year I caught a big fish hook in my hand DEEP - two squirts of something into the IV plus a local didn't even come close to numbing it so they knocked me out with propofol & yanked it out with pliers.
Doctor even mentioned that I had a "high resistance" to pain killers.
me too, last time i needed stitches, they had to shoot me up twice...
wonder if that's why i always need more Novocaine at the dentist?
Yes, I insist in letting them know ahead of time I need extra to prevent any time being wasted... I have a similar issue when I have my rhizo's done, as I have them done with only partial sedation, and they pretty much reach the safe ceiling of whatever the shit is they can give you, while I still experience considerable pain during the ablation procedure.

I try not to think about it, but there was about this time last year when I was recovering from the saw incident still. or was it the year before... time just seems to flow into one blob once you reach a certain age it seems.
Yes, I insist in letting them know ahead of time I need extra to prevent any time being wasted... I have a similar issue when I have my rhizo's done, as I have them done with only partial sedation, and they pretty much reach the safe ceiling of whatever the shit is they can give you, while I still experience considerable pain during the ablation procedure.

I try not to think about it, but there was about this time last year when I was recovering from the saw incident still. or was it the year before... time just seems to flow into one blob once you reach a certain age it seems.
sounds like it sucks, but the alternative scares me worse...Rhizotomy....yeah, i trust a doctor to fuck with my spinal cord....i think i'll just keep bitching about my back hurting, at least i'm not doing it as a quadriplegic in a wheelchair....
you see shit on the news and think, "man, glad that shit don't happen here..." then you see this shit....

that's 7 miles from my house...

then 2 days later...

that's 10 miles from my house...time to move to an island...and start laying land mines all over the beach...
"Investigators state that it appears the shooter did not know either victim, nor were the victims related. "

And now you know why crowds are a bad idea.
As far as I can tell it is the nerves as they come out of the spine around the lower back.
You are on a bed made from carbon fibre so it won't interfere with the x-ray machine they use to find the nerves.
"Investigators state that it appears the shooter did not know either victim, nor were the victims related. "

And now you know why crowds are a bad idea.

the mall where they got shot is big, and close to where the big car show is going on...i'm thinking it was probably road rage gone way the fuck out of hand....or the guy was just a fucking psycho...newport/cosby is real fucking inbred redneck country...REALLY...a few years ago many public officials were arrested and booted from office for running a huge cock fighting ring..all kinds of shit goes on just 20 miles down the road...


i know a lot of crazy people, no fucking shit crazy people that i wouldn't turn my back on if i could help it, and every single one of them is from cocke county....so while i'm surprised that this incident happened, i wasn't surprised at all to see the perpetrator was from cocke county...
I did it, turned in my 2 week notice!
Bittersweet it is.
My direct boss was really excited for me, gave me a big hug. I'm really going to miss having him as a boss. My dotted line boss... not so happy. He told me I was breaking his heart. I've done a really good job for them. They'll obviously survive, but they're gonna feel it for sure. I'm certain they'll be hiring 2 buyers to replace me.
I'm going to miss my team but not the chaos. Controlled chaos I can handle. The shit I've had to deal with over the last 3 yrs... fuck that, I'm done!
I have a feeling I'm going to be bored at my new job. I can hardly wait!


Congrats bro...
you see shit on the news and think, "man, glad that shit don't happen here..." then you see this shit....

that's 7 miles from my house...

then 2 days later...

that's 10 miles from my house...time to move to an island...and start laying land mines all over the beach...
He went there to kill someone because women kept turning him down. I bet he wont even get life if the child survives, plus his three squares a day. Should just push him out a helicopter, at the very least. Just sick.