Random Jabber Jibber thread

Another beautiful day. Back is killing now so I'll BLOW the snow later.. taking a brake for now..View attachment 4286173
LOL. Saw the pic and immediately imagined a car dealership lot with a bunch of sad sales people moping around cuz of no customers; one of them complaining that no one even knows what brand we sell. Don't mind me it's cold and I'm high
I need a good way to to make someone's life unpleasant who lives on the other side of the country. Something that's really mean, I can claim responsibility for in the future and won't get me in legal trouble. My unemployed loser uncle who I've never met and never talk to got my facebook account locked then bragged about it. It's been locked for two weeks and I found out today that they won't unlock it because the last name doesn't match my id.

I have his address and the best I've come up with is sending an ultrasound photo and congratulations to the new daddy card to his girlfriend, but that doesn't seem nearly mean enough. I'd really like to retaliate so he never considers interfering in my life again.
Send him a thank you card for ridding you of that pernicious site.
I need a good way to to make someone's life unpleasant who lives on the other side of the country. Something that's really mean, I can claim responsibility for in the future and won't get me in legal trouble. My unemployed loser uncle who I've never met and never talk to got my facebook account locked then bragged about it. It's been locked for two weeks and I found out today that they won't unlock it because the last name doesn't match my id.

I have his address and the best I've come up with is sending an ultrasound photo and congratulations to the new daddy card to his girlfriend, but that doesn't seem nearly mean enough. I'd really like to retaliate so he never considers interfering in my life again.
Oh the tangled webs we weave.

Your life will be much smoother if you just move past this.

Carrying that type hatred is a heavy burden to bare.
I did create a new account. I only log into fb to talk to family members. Where it's become a real pain and the ass is I used fb to log into so many other sites... I didn't realize how many until I couldn't log into any of them.

@lokie I didn't do anything to bring this on... I've never spoken with the man in my life and I'm not a turn the other cheek kinda person.

I'm gonna go with the ultrasound photo and congratulations card.
you did something to him to have him block your facebook account....

a long lost relative uncle doens't just report your account to facebook for no reason if you get my drift.... I know a lot of people that change their name on FB because their stuff on there is 'unprofessional' and I'm like - dude - all you have to do is reject friend requests, put all info on private/only friends/only me- and start a FB Page with your professional persona.

Fucking every celebrity, TV personality, radio host, you name it - does it jesus christ it is not that difficult. You can have an actual Facebook personal page that nobody ever sees except you, with all the otherworldly compromising bullshit you've ever done - and a cleaned up Page with your persona where professional contacts can reach you.

My FB is set to only friends of friends can find me, all my pics are set to only me nad I don't ever share anything where I am tagged by somebody else or what not to my timeline.

Result is that randoms can't friend me on FB, and my profile is for me and a few friends and that's it.....

In fact if somebody I work with friend requests me (if they somehow find me) - I say no. Plain as day. I message them and tell them FB is just for friends and family.
@redivider the account was locked for violating facebook's impersonation rules... which is ridiculous since I used the short version of my first name and the last name of someone who is special to me. Googling the name didn't bring up any results but me so I'm unsure exactly who I was impersonating and speaking with a real person is all but impossible. And with all due respect you're not privy to my family dynamics if you get my drift.

forget I made that post. I was hoping for interesting ideas for retaliating, not a life coach.

@BudmanTX He lives in BC and I'm in Ontario That could get expensive.