Random Jabber Jibber thread

Mrs. GWN is addicted to the food network and yet I now do most of the cooking (because I like to), but I can't stand to watch people tell me how good something tastes while talking around a massive gob of chow. :fire:

I bought me daughter a cook book titled " Never Trust A Skinny Cook " I can't remember the author's name but she is a large black chick with a cooking show. Also we went to Savannah for her 16th birthday just to go to Paula Dean's restaurant, I sent the food back and left without paying, it was horrible. And I know someone that works for Alton Brown, so I tried to get Gary Goodson on the show but it was impossible, I think they know Gary would steal the show.
I bought me daughter a cook book titled " Never Trust A Skinny Cook " I can't remember the author's name but she is a large black chick with a cooking show. Also we went to Savannah for her 16th birthday just to go to Paula Dean's restaurant, I sent the food back and left without paying, it was horrible. And I know someone that works for Alton Brown, so I tried to get Gary Goodson on the show but it was impossible, I think they know Gary would steal the show.
We was gonna eat there but fuck waiting in a long ass line for hours to eat, I’ll eat something else. My girl was just in Savanna a few days ago with her friend. Bout an hour and half drive for us..
We was gonna eat there but fuck waiting in a long ass line for hours to eat, I’ll eat something else. My girl was just in Savanna a few days ago with her friend. Bout an hour and half drive for us..

Have you ever been down to that echo circle in front of the shrimp factory , it's a trippy experience.

I did a waste treatment plant there once back in the 90's , we partied the whole time.... those art students are a blast. While I was there we would kill a gator ever two or three weeks and grill gator steaks.
I bought me daughter a cook book titled " Never Trust A Skinny Cook " I can't remember the author's name but she is a large black chick with a cooking show. Also we went to Savannah for her 16th birthday just to go to Paula Dean's restaurant, I sent the food back and left without paying, it was horrible. And I know someone that works for Alton Brown, so I tried to get Gary Goodson on the show but it was impossible, I think they know Gary would steal the show.

Ever see 2 fat ladies cooking show? I think it was on late 80s early 90s.
I tried watching Happy last night but the wife wouldn't shut up so I turned it off and turned the TV to lifetime and low-be-hold not a peep.....:fire::fire::fire::wall::wall::wall:.

I was not amused.....
get another tv in another room....if she bitches....tell her why you have it....or you could just talk every second lifetime is on, and when she says anything to you, ask her why it's ok to talk when you're watching something, but not when she is?
now you see why i have an ex wife and live alone.....
because i'll say "HEY!...i'm trying to hear this! shut the fuck up!"...
Hope you're ready for the storm tonight. They're calling for 6-12 inches up here.

I think you're supposed to get a little more than us. First the snow, then subzero temps next week. Fuck that. I do want to get out to shovel off my car after the storm, before the real cold gets here. Gotta do some food shopping so I can be a hermit all week. I know you've got a LOT of work ahead of you. Good luck, bro...
I think you're supposed to get a little more than us. First the snow, then subzero temps next week. Fuck that. I do want to get out to shovel off my car after the storm, before the real cold gets here. Gotta do some food shopping so I can be a hermit all week. I know you've got a LOT of work ahead of you. Good luck, bro...

I feel bad for my animals but there's not a lot I can do. I already gave them extra bedding to help with the cold but these temps are ridiculous. I even thought about setting up a bonfire for them to stand around at night when it gets real cold but then I have to stay out there with them.