Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Member
Rowdys favorite toy is a football that was about the same size as him when he started playing with it. Well as pitbulls do he slowly but surely destroyed it. This is what's left and he refuses to give it up. Even for new, full football's which are just laying around now because they aren't "his". He brings this up to you wanting to play like Wtf am I supposed to do with that dude. 20180202_122224.jpg
Edit.....you can see him in the background wondering Wtf I'm doing with his piece of rubber.


Well-Known Member
George Snoory had this guy on C2C last night. All about DB Cooper, Rackstraw and FBI stonewalling, blah, blah. Colbert's site is worth looking at and the copies of recently released FOIA documents he has, if you've an interest.



I feel as though a big Hollywood blockbuster is long overdue on this. I envision George Clooney in the lead role but feel he may be too old at this point. Maybe good old Leo Dicaprio could still pull it off.