Random Jabber Jibber thread

This story makes me sick to my stomach. Give me 5 minutes alone with the piece of shit “dad” and I’ll have him talking.


But when I was done with him he probably wouldn’t be able to talk.

Poor little girl

Having a daughter made me a pussy. Before I'd read that and think "gee that guys an idiot.". Now I'm reading that crying thinking how the side of that guys head would look as the bullet exits.
Having a daughter made me a pussy. Before I'd read that and think "gee that guys an idiot.". Now I'm reading that crying thinking how the side of that guys head would look as the bullet exits.

Remember, if you watch it from that angle you tend to get goop on your face.
Watching entry from a slight distance is better.

You're welcome. :wink:

I have a dog I would love to see the kitty try that on8)
Yeah, cats can be intimidating, we used to have an old ginger, he would walk from the door to the road to beat up on passing dogs.

This boy is less than a year & a half old (still a kid) and has chased off two brown bears, one of which was a pretty good sized Sow of 5 or 600 lbs.
He is fearless & loves his daddy almost as much as his piggy.